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Published: 01 March 2013
Dmitry Medvedev meets with Russian ex-patriots in Silicon Valley. Dmitry Medvedev meets with Russian ex-patriots in Silicon Valley. WWW.KREMLIN.RU
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2011) 28 (3): 73–81.
Published: 01 September 2011
...Shaheen Buneri The changes began in July 2007 when Maulana Fazlullah, a 32-year-old lift operator turned Taliban commander, launched a pirate FM radio station to preach religious bigotry across the Swat Valley. Day after day, his inflammatory broadcasts discouraged girls’ education, called...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2014) 31 (1): 81–88.
Published: 01 March 2014
... in the Jordan Valley in accordance with Israel’s labor regulations, and “as frequently as they are enforced in the rest of the State of Israel.” But inspectors will only be able to prosecute Israeli employers for violations, not Palestinian contractors. But barring a long-sought solution to the conflict...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2012) 29 (2): 89–96.
Published: 01 June 2012
.... Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto was assassinated. Pakistan was all over CNN. It was no surprise that Rahman received an email from one of the two funds saying that the partners were “reconsidering.” One who did was from Draper Fisher Jurvetson, a major Silicon Valley venture capital firm. “These were...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2002) 19 (1): 11–24.
Published: 01 March 2002
... now called Jammu and Kashmir, remained
case was further complicated by its demog under India’s control. Monitored by the
raphy. Its Muslim majority was concentrated United Nations, the cease-fire line grew
in the Kashmir Valley and in the tribal into a de facto partition of the state...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2004) 21 (3): 79–94.
Published: 01 September 2004
... Buddhist peasants and pastoralists, and
Despite the difference in age (Nehru was 16 the Vale of Kashmir, often referred to sim
years older) the two hit it off instantly. Both ply as the Valley. O f all these regions, the
were charismatic and impulsive, both com Vale proved the most contentious...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2012) 29 (1): 82–90.
Published: 01 March 2012
... in a valley formed by the Khentii Mountains on the north and south. Though historically the valley provided proximity to fresh water and shelter from harsh Siberian winds to the north, the city’s geography now intensifies the effects of the particles released from its pollution sources. Its valley location...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2017) 34 (2): 24–30.
Published: 01 June 2017
... at the Panamanian border warns, “Entrance is forbidden to Miguel Facussé’s workers and guards.” ICIJ ONLINE The Aguán River in Honduras runs through a fertile valley stretching inland from the country’s Caribbean coast. For the past two decades, the lower reach of the river valley, or the Bajo Aguán, has...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2001) 18 (1): 45–55.
Published: 01 March 2001
... of a branch of Shiite The Jadids in Tashkent and the Fergana
Islam whose spiritual leader is the Aga Valley started new schools with a modern
Khan. Soon after the Arab invasions of the curriculum that included mathematics and
eighth century, Central Asia emerged as the the sciences, theater, poetry...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2013) 30 (1): 95–103.
Published: 01 March 2013
...Dmitry Medvedev meets with Russian ex-patriots in Silicon Valley. Dmitry Medvedev meets with Russian ex-patriots in Silicon Valley. WWW.KREMLIN.RU ...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2001) 17 (4): 33–45.
Published: 01 December 2001
... source in the Tien Shan mountains and
In the currently accepted definition, Cen passes through the much coveted Fergana
tral Asia comprises five independent re Valley. When Alexander the Great con
publics in a sprawling, sparsely populated quered the region in 327 B.C., Central Asia
land mass...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2003) 19 (4): 79–84.
Published: 01 December 2003
... of imminent heading home to his estate in the Alazan
danger and create a more dramatic, grip Valley of the eastern Georgian kingdom of
ping narrative.” Kakhetia, across the rugged spine of the
80 WORLD...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2002) 19 (1): 81–89.
Published: 01 March 2002
... KGB agent, told me. “Go out to the Fergana
committed suicide; his death certificate list Valley [east of Tashkent] or anywhere else,
ed “brain tumor” as the cause of death. An and it’s completely different.” (While the
independent autopsy was forbidden, howev Fergana Valley is known...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2005) 22 (2): 95–101.
Published: 01 June 2005
..., and connection between Pakistan and the Indus
linking the political ideas of the reformer Valley civilization, without a loss of stand
and educator Syed Ahmed Khan, the ing. In The Indus Saga and the Making of
philosopher-poet Allama Iqbal, and the Pakistan, Aitzaz Ahsan, a leader of the
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2003) 20 (1): 31–40.
Published: 01 March 2003
In addition to covert state support, the weakness of the states in the region. The
armed groups have relied on a combination trade in emeralds from Afghanistan’s Panj-
of cross-border ethnic ties, the parallel econ shir Valley (much of it marketed through
omy, and the drug trade. In the late 1990s...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2015) 32 (3): 9–15.
Published: 01 September 2015
...Louis Albert de Broglie © World Policy Institute 2015 2015 World Policy Institute PARIS—Nestled in a valley in the northern French countryside of Normandy, the Bec Hellouin farm, once the first permaculture farm in France, produces some 800 varieties of fruits and vegetables. In 2004...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2017) 34 (1): 93–99.
Published: 01 March 2017
... of counterinsurgency and market economies. Tactically, roads can also be used as offensive means of separating armed fighters from the population. Because roads are patrolled, guerrillas in mountainous regions often have to leave populated valleys and escape to higher altitudes. In the same Small Wars Journal...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2011) 28 (1): 1–2.
Published: 01 March 2011
... Junger for an Academy Award for Best Documentary Film for Restrepo , takes us to a remote corner of Afghanistan, deep in the Korengal Valley, for a remarkable portfolio that explores the complex interactions between Afghan villagers and the Americans who came, unbidden, to change their ancestral way...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2015) 32 (3): 1–2.
Published: 01 September 2015
... Jardinier (Gardener Prince), Louis-Albert de Broglie, leads off with a stirring ode to microfarming and the kinds of experiments that led him to surround his Loire Valley chateau with 650 varieties of tomatoes. Meanwhile, our Timeline plots the revolutionary changes in diet in Cambodia as it passed from...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2017) 34 (3): 69–75.
Published: 01 September 2017
... economic development over environmental protection, undercuts Kenya’s global leadership in renewable energy. Today, up to 70 percent of the nation’s power comes from renewable sources, such as a massive geothermal power plant in the Rift Valley. But the company building this new plant in Lamu insists...