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Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2011) 28 (2): 89–99.
Published: 01 June 2011
... and the absence of men in the household means there is no income. Their lives, they say, had been miserable under Mubarak. But some of their neighbors—men desperate for money—had been paid during the revolution to act as Mubarak sympathizers or attack protesters. Now, they feel they are being ignored. Before...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2018) 35 (2): 23–31.
Published: 01 June 2018
.... After Egypt plunged into an economic nosedive following the collapse of Hosni Mubarak’s 30-year regime, the New Canal promised to double the Suez’s revenue in less than a decade. While previous presidents had failed to raise sufficient funds for the extension, el-Sissi collected $8 billion in 10 days...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2004) 21 (2): 78–84.
Published: 01 June 2004
... of the Left, which pendents (including the members of the
had set the political agenda after Nasser’s Muslim Brotherhood), and 4 percent are
death. Sadat promised to implement Sharia held by the legally approved opposition.
law, and Islamist organizations wrested con Mubarak rules under emergency laws...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2014) 31 (2): 59–69.
Published: 01 June 2014
... a campaign against the potent, often bigoted, Muslim Brotherhood. Many of these same views were advanced in support of the military’s removal of the Brotherhood’s Mohamed Morsi, victorious candidate for the presidency and, with his electoral victory, successor to President Hosni Mubarak. More recently...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2014) 31 (3): 34–40.
Published: 01 September 2014
... limitless. In the days that followed, we further explored the limits of social media. Post-Mubarak, safety became a major issue, as rumors of crime spread fast and furiously. In order to verify crime stories, we asked residents to tweet photo confirmations. Meanwhile, Bey2ollak, a Twitter-based app...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2016) 33 (2): 82–89.
Published: 01 June 2016
... constraints and buoyed by a public sentiment of unbounded patriotism, Egypt’s Ministry of the Interior and attached security services were able to resume their Mubarak-era activities with even greater zeal. The crackdown on opposition has been more intense than anything previously witnessed in Egypt, with new...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2012) 29 (4): 27–38.
Published: 01 December 2012
... Some Somali commentators are apprehensive about this focus on religion. Mohamed Mubarak, a 27-year-old student in Kampala and an op-ed contributor to the Somalia Report , views it as a soft power effort—a plan to train a legion of imams to serve as a moderate, pro-Turkey force in Somali mosques...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2011) 28 (3): 113–121.
Published: 01 September 2011
... little like the democracy that most Western nations would understand or even recognize. Does that mean they won’t work for their people? Not at all. Though many of the initial military trappings of a junta were eventually removed by Nasser and then by his successors, Anwar Sadat and Hosni Mubarak...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2018) 35 (1): 42–47.
Published: 01 March 2018
... Mubarak. The demonstrations continued in opposition to the next president, Mohammed Morsi. It involved a lot of social media, which the Western press covered in a somewhat exaggerated way. Through OpAntiSH, you were also doing on-the-ground work during that period, even physically intervening in assaults...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2014) 31 (3): 1–2.
Published: 01 September 2014
... Mubarak who tweets under the name @sandmonkey, describes the length to which government officials are prepared to go to “stop the signal.” Finally, in a Conversation with World Policy Journal, Amelia Andersdotter, a leader of Europe’s Pirate Party and once the youngest member of the European Parliament...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2015) 32 (1): 21–28.
Published: 01 March 2015
.... In our recent history, we have seen conventional thinking upended quickly in the face of rapid economic, political, and social change. Examples of this range from the toppling of former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak in 2011 to the missing weapons of mass destruction in Iraq in 2003. Going back further...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2011) 28 (2): 1–2.
Published: 01 June 2011
... whether Egypt’s liberals can survive in the post-Mubarak era. Meanwhile, across the Mediterranean, a debt crisis is challenging Greece in ways that Ioannis Grigoriadis believes will require major changes in the Greek psyche and the nation’s entire way of life. Heidi Brown finds that, when it comes...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2016) 33 (4): 89–95.
Published: 01 December 2016
... the islands has made clear how leadership changes have reshaped the countries’ approaches to international affairs. Today’s rulers have created what their predecessors had assiduously avoided: a confrontation. Over decades of intermittent negotiations, the now-deposed president, Hosni Mubarak, repeatedly...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2001) 18 (3): 53–60.
Published: 01 September 2001
... has left the region nationalism—from Algeria’s FLN and the
with economies and social structures that Syrian and Iraqi Ba’th parties to Libya’s
are profoundly distorted by conventional Qaddafi and even Egypt’s Mubarak— have
capitalist market standards, and profoundly been able to make much more...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2011) 28 (2): 69–78.
Published: 01 June 2011
... Mubarak, and that the Karzai government is far from wielding a strong, rigid state bureaucracy and security force. Still, Afghanistan’s opposition is quick to point out that neither Karzai nor any other national leader should be given the chance to become a Mubarak, in the sense of control or entitlement...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2015) 32 (1): 108–117.
Published: 01 March 2015
... curriculum, Ahmed uses a popular gay web site to try to teach—or at least warn—men who have sex with men about the dangers of HIV. Months after Egypt’s revolution unseated former leader Hosni Mubarak, Egypt’s Islamists swept Egypt’s parliamentary elections and talk about HIV and AIDS began to decrease...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2001) 18 (2): 1–9.
Published: 01 June 2001
... president Hosni Mu
sponse to a strategic competitor who played barak. Mubarak arrived hard on the heels of
by broadly similar rules. It has been the col German chancellor Gerhard Schroder and
lapse of that adversary that has plunged Brazil’s president Fernando Enrique Cardoso.
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2005) 22 (1): 95–99.
Published: 01 March 2005
... and again, to the cheering chorus ers and force them to stop flirting
of a castrated press. This parody of democra with fanaticism. In Egypt, we must
cy is hypocrisy’s tribute to the genuine arti ask President Mubarak to insist that
cle. Zakaria’s prose is excellent, his reading the state-owned...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2012) 29 (4): 66–73.
Published: 01 December 2012
... think you can be closer to a new Muslim Brotherhood regime in Egypt, for instance, than you ever would have been to the regime of Hosni Mubarak. Salehi: Yes, certainly so. WPJ: What type of role would you see yourself playing in a situation like that? Salehi: We are not playing...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2012) 29 (2): 104–113.
Published: 01 June 2012
... tongue was, “When might it happen here?” Certainly, the masters of the Kremlin must be living in fear of a no longer far-fetched scenario. If the likes of a Mubarak, Qaddafi, even potentially an Assad can be toppled, can Putin be far behind? Indeed, these days there is considerably less wiggle-room than...