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military dictatorship
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1-20 of 71 Search Results for
military dictatorship
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Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2016) 33 (4): 96–100.
Published: 01 December 2016
...Fernanda Canofre When a society fails to confront the dark episodes of its history, it leaves its past vulnerable to distortion and exploitation, argues journalist Fernanda Canofre. Brazil has never properly investigated the crimes of its military dictatorship period (1964-1985), and far-right...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2017) 34 (1): 82–91.
Published: 01 March 2017
... to topple the military dictatorship in place from 1964 to 1985. The precise role Rousseff played within the group is disputed, with some accounts depicting her as the organization’s mastermind while others downplay her leadership role. But she was implicated in the 1969 theft of a safe belonging to Ademar...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2018) 35 (1): 16–22.
Published: 01 March 2018
... of Juan Domingo Perón’s government in 1955 and the definitive restoration of democracy in 1983, Argentina was ruled by a series of intermittent military dictatorships. The rest of the time, the country was led by weak civilian governments that were under more or less open military control...
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Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2017) 34 (3): 64–68.
Published: 01 September 2017
... indigenous people, who today number approximately 900,000 in a nation of more than 200 million, were expelled from their lands during the country’s colonial and military eras. In 1988, three years after the fall of the military dictatorship, Brazil adopted a new constitution that for the first time...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2001) 18 (3): 69–80.
Published: 01 September 2001
... of military dictatorship would be un
people, who are human and therefore falli fair. Certainly military commanders, like
ble, but the Council of Guardians is guided many powerful civilians, harbor a deep mis
by God, who is infallible. Whenever there is trust of the people and an abiding fear...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2011) 28 (4): 34–41.
Published: 01 December 2011
... for the SlutWalk in Buenos Aires and shouting “No means no!” over the crowd, she has become one of the voices standing up for women’s rights in her country. Mary Hunt, a Catholic theologian who lived in Argentina for two years during that country’s military dictatorship and continues to work with local...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2016) 33 (1): 96–103.
Published: 01 March 2016
... within Brazil because of his human rights campaigns and open contempt for the dictatorship—as I discovered when I went to Brazil to interview him in 1979. During the dictatorship, Arns visited political prisoners in their cells and denounced the abuses of the military. He spoke out against clerical...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2012) 29 (3): 9–14.
Published: 01 September 2012
... Greek elections, which saw the routing of the two major parties that have alternated power since the end of the military dictatorship, a Greek explained, “I voted against Pasok [the Socialist party], because they failed to provide a job to my daughter who holds an engineering degree.” In this country...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2015) 32 (4): 10–13.
Published: 01 December 2015
... of civilian rule over military dictatorship but also in the achievements of three women in one of the world’s least egalitarian regions. In the biblical tale, humans’ expulsion from Eden came after eating fruit from the tree of knowledge. In the far-from-Edenic garden that is today’s Latin America...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2012) 29 (4): 74–84.
Published: 01 December 2012
... the brunt of resistance to the Nazis. The government forces won in 1949, establishing a repressive, fragile right-wing state that was itself overthrown by an even more brutal right-wing military dictatorship in 1967. The junta collapsed in 1974 after its venality and incompetence triggered Turkey’s invasion...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2002) 19 (2): 38–48.
Published: 01 June 2002
... in the region. In
mally organized political forces, the princi deed, from the 1960s through the 1980s,
pal opposition to the regime in power, and when many Latin American countries de
potentially the sole defender of democracy scended into military dictatorship, social
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2016) 33 (1): 47–56.
Published: 01 March 2016
... are really hard to fight against, because we had a set of military dictatorships in Brazil where violence was the rule, and silence was the norm. Even though we are no longer in a military dictatorship, the police have carried on from the military. You don’t call the police in Brazil. You don’t try and take...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2003) 19 (4): 73–77.
Published: 01 December 2003
... income and notwithstanding the no
a longer history of authoritarian rule than table achievements of the Cardoso years (es
Brazil, whose last military dictatorship was pecially the taming of inflation, improved
in power from 1964 to 1985. More reveal access to education and health care...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2016) 33 (3): 32–38.
Published: 01 September 2016
... establishments.” The report was an immediate best-seller in Argentina. In his forward, CONADEP chair Ernesto Sábato wrote that Never Again was neither court nor jailer. Yet his conclusion was scathing: “We are convinced that the recent military dictatorship brought about the greatest and most savage...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2014) 31 (4): 47–56.
Published: 01 December 2014
... Portuguese, I feel both Iberian and European. This is something that is usually difficult for an American to understand. I also am a federalist and a supporter, like Jean Monnet, of the United States of Europe. I am worried about Latin America, which has been able to expel military dictatorships shaped...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2003) 20 (1): 41–47.
Published: 01 March 2003
... and much positive impact it has had on their
fair competition can best afford the long un lives compared to military dictatorships.
derperforming, protectionist Nigerian econ This could hardly be otherwise since, as al
omy the benefits of efficient allocation of re ready noted, an estimated two...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2016) 33 (1): 38–45.
Published: 01 March 2016
... emphasized that it was not an isolated incident. State violence against black people didn’t stop with the end of Brazil’s military dictatorship in 1985. And the criminalization of black communities doesn’t end at Brazil’s borders. Throughout Latin America, a decadeslong fight against racism has developed...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2011) 28 (1): 93–102.
Published: 01 March 2011
.... She volunteers for kofaviv , an organization formed in 2004 by a group of Port-au-Prince women who were raped during the 1991–94 military dictatorship that deposed Aristide. kofaviv dispatches volunteer “agents”—women who help rape victims get to the hospital, to the police, to a lawyer...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2001) 18 (3): 61–68.
Published: 01 September 2001
... workers are not entitled to their the failed Hutu rebellion against the Tutsi-
comforts; they are. They may say, “my cook dominated military dictatorship that led to
has not arrived yet” when they mean some what Burundians call the ikiza, or catastro
thing terrible may have happened, but the phe...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2012) 29 (1): 33–42.
Published: 01 March 2012
... and economic turmoil. After his release from prison in an amnesty two years later, Chávez chose the electoral route to power rather than the military one. In 1999, he was elected president with 56 percent of the vote. Intimidation of journalists is a trademark of dictatorships, including Castro’s Cuba...