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labor law

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Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2014) 31 (1): 81–88.
Published: 01 March 2014
.... The Ministry of Economy expects the work of the inter-ministerial team to conclude by August 2014. When the youth labor law is implemented in the West Bank, the ministry says its inspectors will act in response to complaints from employees, employers, and on the inspector’s initiative. Laws will be enforced...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2017) 34 (3): 16–20.
Published: 01 September 2017
... domestic labor immigration child care elder care labor law mothers family CARINA CHEN Floridith Sanchez’s mother, Maria, has been a migrant domestic worker for more than two decades. During her first five years abroad, her employers watched her closely and allowed her only minimal contact...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2013) 30 (2): 39–45.
Published: 01 June 2013
..., they lose their jobs. If they seek unionism, then the government is not on the side of the workers. That is why amendments to labor laws are anti-union, especially with respect to the minimum wage. If we are talking about factory workers who have problems and want to raise their voice, then the buyer...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2017) 34 (1): 119–123.
Published: 01 March 2017
... argues that transparency laws must also be accompanied by efforts to promote social inclusion and economic development. Copyright © 2017 World Policy Institute 2017 labor trafficking modern-day slavery supply chains Mat Isa holds a fishing net given to him as part of Cambodia’s...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2016) 33 (4): 35–38.
Published: 01 December 2016
... flexible labor law in Mauritius. We’re members of the International Labor Office (ILO), and they oversee our laws, and we’re completely in compliance. There may have been a few instances where there had been reporting, but we’re very mindful of that. For example, we don’t have child labor in the country...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2005) 21 (4): 19–28.
Published: 01 December 2005
... is beleaguered States. Although the International Labor by public sector-strikes, accusations of cor­ Organization has found that the countries’ ruption, and general uneasiness on the part laws generally meet international standards, of the public about Costa Rica’s initial sup­ there is little doubt...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2013) 30 (2): 3–6.
Published: 01 June 2013
... on reducing unemployment than on improving the quality of jobs. Despite substantial progress, many Central Americans employed today still work in the informal sector, do not contribute to social security systems, and are largely unprotected by labor laws—all of which makes them highly vulnerable. Among...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2013) 30 (3): 88–97.
Published: 01 September 2013
... not always know what they are entitled to.” For example, under the Bangladesh Labor Act of 2006, factories with more than 100 workers or total assets of more than $125,000 are mandated by law to create a “participation fund” and a “welfare fund” for employees, and to distribute five percent of net profits...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2017) 34 (4): 119–124.
Published: 01 December 2017
....” This troubles left-wing politicians such as Catarina Martins, whose Bloco de Esquerda captured a landmark haul of half a million votes in the November 2015 elections. Martins, the party leader, worries that this approach is preventing the left from “focusing on changing labor laws and regaining public control...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2004) 21 (3): 41–49.
Published: 01 September 2004
... immigrants and to push the government against attacks. Thus, even in countries with to enforce labor law for immigrants as well rabid anti-immigrant movements, immi­ as for native-born Americans. Noting the grant rights have gained a firm foothold. growing demographic power of immigrants...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2003) 20 (2): 79–85.
Published: 01 June 2003
... it? by judges who are impartial and not subject First, it is important to recognize that to outside influence. Where the judiciary is the rule of law is not value neutral. It is not independent, contracts are more likely to be the same thing as rule by law. The fact that enforced, labor law...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2012) 29 (1): 101–110.
Published: 01 March 2012
... governments to treat all goods alike, ignoring the working and environmental conditions where they are produced. That tends to make progressive national environmental and labor laws international competitive liabilities. So a contemporary version of the 1944 international economic compact that fashioned...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2014) 31 (3): 108–115.
Published: 01 September 2014
... on earned incomes, and price controls on basic goods. Wage increases for civil servants spurred salary raises in the private sector, which ultimately collapsed under the weight of unions and restrictive labor laws and taxes. In short, Zimbabweans had to be well-connected to acquire goods. Most people...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2003) 19 (4): 37–47.
Published: 01 December 2003
... in Europe called the Democratic Socialists ( p d s ) , play for the past seven years. We have to reform a much larger role than their modest single­ our labor laws, our unemployment system, digit share of the national vote would war­ our health services, our national wage bar­ rant because...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2004) 21 (2): 7–26.
Published: 01 June 2004
... the raft of tough labor law reforms by decree, backing he required, but intervention by without consulting parliament, let alone the U.S. secretary of state Colin Powell resolved unions themselves. the crisis in his favor, a development that The latter responded by calling a gen­ copperfastened...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2004) 21 (1): 60–67.
Published: 01 March 2004
... of the cases that have been ings in Myanmar, Chinese and Thai petrole­ filed have already been dismissed without um companies, none of which face share­ trial. “The alien tort law has been used spar­ holder pressure or have demonstrated any ingly against corporations and applies only interest in labor...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2016) 33 (4): 5–9.
Published: 01 December 2016
... wishes aren’t being considered or included in public policy decisions—not even when these laws directly affect our lives. Since being a sex worker is an autonomous decision and we provide a service to customers, we are entitled to labor rights just as any other employed (or self-employed) person. We...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2018) 35 (2): 70–74.
Published: 01 June 2018
... serfs with nothing but their labor to sell. The social upheavals of the late 19th century and the growing influence of Marxism across Europe inspired many opponents of the tsar, whose secret police dispatched countless would-be reformers and revolutionaries to the frozen lands of Siberia. Against...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2014) 31 (4): 38–42.
Published: 01 December 2014
... be to lose the independence vote and then lose the vote on “Brexit.’’ While the Labour Party, dominant in Scotland, should in normal times win the May election, these are not normal times, and Ed Miliband is considered one of the weakest Labour leaders in terms of popularity, and one of the most ideological...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2017) 34 (2): 43–54.
Published: 01 June 2017
... any moral calculus. Copyright © 2017 World Policy Institute 2017 Singapore prison rehabilitation re-entry programs labor SINGAPORE CORPORATION OF REHABILITATIVE ENTERPRISES (SCORE) While doing online research in 2013, I ran across a Singaporean ad on YouTube. In it, a young...