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Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2001) 18 (2): 55–64.
Published: 01 June 2001
...Whit Mason R EFLEC T IO N S Whit Mason spent two and a half years in Istanbul as a fellow of the Institute of Current World Affairs. He is now based in Kosovo as a political analyst for the International Crisis Group. Constantinople’s Last Hurrah Turkey and the Ecumenical...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2011) 28 (4): 20–33.
Published: 01 December 2011
... throughout the Middle East, traveling to Libya, Syria, Egypt, Iran, Jordan, Azerbaijan, Qatar, Kazakhstan, and Bahrain, creating more bridges between Christianity and Islam than any other Christian leader. He believes that—beyond interfaith consultations and ecumenical dialogue—religious tolerance...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2002) 18 (4): 107.
Published: 01 December 2002
..." Strategy for tne Bush Administration’K(XV III:l) (XVIII: 1) Zaslavsky, Alexander, and Ian Bremmer; "Bush and Putin’s Tentative Mason, Whit; "Constantinople's Last Hurrah: Turkey and the Ecumenical...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2016) 33 (3): 1–5.
Published: 01 September 2016
.... It is not the preserve of the left or right, of liberal or conservative. It is an ecumenical creed. It can be practiced by Marxists, who stress the need to look at the socioeconomic base as well as the superstructure, or Burkean conservatives, who take tradition and custom as living forces, and warn us against...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2001) 18 (2): 82–86.
Published: 01 June 2001
.... maddeningly nebulous in this passage, but To take the last of these first, Europe, he his idea appears to be both that the success­ says, despite being able to draw upon the ful pursuit of European unification will “greatest wealth of culture and knowledge promote ecumenical relations within...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2006) 22 (4): 87–91.
Published: 01 December 2006
...?” “Here’s a gift for your mother-in-law.” “Monsieur, why not a fez?” But the ambience is wholly ecumenical. We spotted a whole street of boutiques featuring the severe ankle-length black coats meant to lure pious shop­ pers from Iran. Not far away were bars of olive soap piled in the shape...
Journal Article
World Policy Journal (2011) 28 (4): 60–69.
Published: 01 December 2011
... less dependent on a single leader and is quite ecumenical. “I’m a Hindu; my number two is a Muslim.” We ventured an offbeat question. We had been told Keralite Communists consulted astrologers to determine auspicious dates for important decisions. Is this true? A nervous buzz passes through the room...