The world is slowly emerging from the economic wilderness of the past three years. What fixes have worked most effectively, and what innovations—sweeping policy reforms, creative business models, analytic insights, bold planning initiatives— hold the most promise for the future? Our panel of global experts weighs in.
The global financial meltdown exposed our unjustified faith in conventional solutions to social and economic problems. The recovery presents an opportunity to acknowledge our ignorance and learn how to learn.
Around the world, all kinds of people— entrepreneurs, teachers, activists, local government officials—are constantly trying out new ideas, from the commonsensical to the highly improbable. Many fail; some succeed. Either way, the rest of us usually don't find out.
Consider the many programs being carried out by governments and organizations all over the world: disease-prevention strategies, school-reform initiatives, job-training programs. We could all be learning a lot from the results of these...