Table 1.

Development of industrial gross fixed assets in West Germany (territory of the FRG), 1936–48

YearInitial levelGross investment minus depreciationWar damageDismantlingNet investment
1936 49.37 +0.85   +0.85 
1937 50.22 +1.60   +1.60 
1938 51.82 +2.46   +2.46 
1939 54.28 +3.17   +3.17 
1940 57.45 +3.44   +3.44 
1941 60.89 +3.97   +3.97 
1942 64.86 +4.31   +4.31 
1943 69.17 +3.43 −1.40  +2.03 
1944 71.20 +1.25 −7.15  −5.90 
1945 65.30 −0.49 −5.24 −0.95 −6.68 
1946 58.62 −0.43  −1.14 −1.57 
1947 57.05 −0.19  −0.50 −0.69 
1948 56.36 −0.24  −0.21 −0.45 
YearInitial levelGross investment minus depreciationWar damageDismantlingNet investment
1936 49.37 +0.85   +0.85 
1937 50.22 +1.60   +1.60 
1938 51.82 +2.46   +2.46 
1939 54.28 +3.17   +3.17 
1940 57.45 +3.44   +3.44 
1941 60.89 +3.97   +3.97 
1942 64.86 +4.31   +4.31 
1943 69.17 +3.43 −1.40  +2.03 
1944 71.20 +1.25 −7.15  −5.90 
1945 65.30 −0.49 −5.24 −0.95 −6.68 
1946 58.62 −0.43  −1.14 −1.57 
1947 57.05 −0.19  −0.50 −0.69 
1948 56.36 −0.24  −0.21 −0.45 

Source: Krengel 1958; 1963: 123.

Note: Figures are in billions of deutsche marks at prices of 1950.

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