Table 1.

The exhibition venues of Humanism in China

Institution / placeDurationNumber of photographs exhibited
Guangdong Museum of Art / Guangzhou December 12, 2003–January 10, 2004 601 
Shanghai Art Museum / Shanghai April 29, 2004–May 24, 2004 601 
National Art Museum of China / Beijing June 12, 2004–July 10, 2004 584 
Museum für Moderne Kunst / Frankfurt May 20, 2006–August 27, 2006 590 
Staatsgalerie / Stuttgart October 28, 2006–February 18, 2007 590 
Museum für Fotografie / Berlin May 4, 2007–July 8, 2007 590 
Pinakothek der Moderne / Munich July 19, 2007–October 28, 2007 590 
Kunsthalle im Lipsiusbau / Dresden February 29, 2008–June 1, 2008 590 
City Art Center / Edinburgh July 5, 2008–September 14, 2008 590 
China Institute in America / New York September 23, 2009–December 13, 2009 100 
Institution / placeDurationNumber of photographs exhibited
Guangdong Museum of Art / Guangzhou December 12, 2003–January 10, 2004 601 
Shanghai Art Museum / Shanghai April 29, 2004–May 24, 2004 601 
National Art Museum of China / Beijing June 12, 2004–July 10, 2004 584 
Museum für Moderne Kunst / Frankfurt May 20, 2006–August 27, 2006 590 
Staatsgalerie / Stuttgart October 28, 2006–February 18, 2007 590 
Museum für Fotografie / Berlin May 4, 2007–July 8, 2007 590 
Pinakothek der Moderne / Munich July 19, 2007–October 28, 2007 590 
Kunsthalle im Lipsiusbau / Dresden February 29, 2008–June 1, 2008 590 
City Art Center / Edinburgh July 5, 2008–September 14, 2008 590 
China Institute in America / New York September 23, 2009–December 13, 2009 100 

NOTE: Institutions and dates are taken from Fotoe, “Zhongguo renben.” Dates for the New York exhibition are from Silbergeld, Humanism in China, copyright page. Dates for Frankfurt exhibition are from Museum für Moderne Kunst, “Humanism in China.” There are differing accounts of how many photos were shown at different institutions and where the exhibition has been shown. At the beginning of the exhibition in Guangdong, 601 photographs were shown, while there were only 590 left during the tour through Germany. For the exhibition in Beijing, at least 9 photos were censored; these were described as “cruel and sensitive” by China Daily (“Collective Strength of the Ordinary”). It is likely that 11 photographs were already removed from the exhibition. One article in the German newspaper Tagesspiegel incorrectly notes that the exhibition was imported to Germany “unverändert und unkommentiert” (unchanged and uncommented) (Danicke, “Kultur: Blütenpracht und Todesstrafe”). A possible exhibition at the Times Museum, a branch of the Guangdong Museum of Art, is poorly documented. A poster announcement, a photo of which is in the authors’ possession, declares the exhibition to be shown from April 23 to May 23, 2005. The exhibition at the City Art Center in Edinburgh was titled China: A Photographic Portrait (though keeping the Chinese title, Zhongguo renben) and supplemented by 33 short films. See Confucius Institute for Scotland, “China: A Photographic Portrait.” At the China Institute in New York, only a selection of 100 photos was shown. See Silbergeld, Humanism in China, vii.

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