Table 1

Baseline descriptive characteristics for enrolled mothers and children

Full Sample
(3) – (2)
A. Sample Women     
 Current use of family planning (1 = yes) .489 .492 .486 –.006 
 Long-acting method use (1 = yes) .069 .070 .069 –.002 
 Injectable use (1 = yes) .386 .390 .382 –.007 
 Implant use (1 = yes) .065 .064 .065 .001 
 Ever-use of family planning (1 = yes) .825 .857 .796 –.062** 
 Woman's age (years) 24.954 25.046 24.868 −0.178 
 Total number of children 2.416 2.435 2.400 −0.035 
 Primary education (1 = yes) .571 .574 .568 –.007 
 Secondary education (1 = yes) .429 .426 .432 .007 
 Tertiary education (1 = yes) .029 .024 .033 .009 
 Religion (1 = Christian) .836 .855 .818 –.037 
 Ethnicity (1 = Chewa) .415 .423 .409 –.014 
 Woman works (1 = yes) .083 .080 .085 .005 
 Age of first cohabitation (years) 18.981 19.006 18.957 −0.049 
 Number of observations 1,037 498 539  
p value (joint significance)    .462 
B. Sample Children     
 Child's age (months) 2.909 2.901 2.915 0.014 
 Child's biological sex (1 = male) .492 .504 .481 –.023 
 Child's birth order 2.366 2.393 2.340 −0.053 
 Preceding birth interval (months) 51.731 52.401 51.046 −1.355 
 HAZ −0.199 −0.186 −0.211 −0.026 
 WHZ 0.126 0.115 0.136 0.022 
 WAZ 0.099 0.094 0.103 0.009 
 Number of observations 1,034 496 538  
 Number of observations with anthropometric data 545 260 285  
p value (joint significance)    .361 
Full Sample
(3) – (2)
A. Sample Women     
 Current use of family planning (1 = yes) .489 .492 .486 –.006 
 Long-acting method use (1 = yes) .069 .070 .069 –.002 
 Injectable use (1 = yes) .386 .390 .382 –.007 
 Implant use (1 = yes) .065 .064 .065 .001 
 Ever-use of family planning (1 = yes) .825 .857 .796 –.062** 
 Woman's age (years) 24.954 25.046 24.868 −0.178 
 Total number of children 2.416 2.435 2.400 −0.035 
 Primary education (1 = yes) .571 .574 .568 –.007 
 Secondary education (1 = yes) .429 .426 .432 .007 
 Tertiary education (1 = yes) .029 .024 .033 .009 
 Religion (1 = Christian) .836 .855 .818 –.037 
 Ethnicity (1 = Chewa) .415 .423 .409 –.014 
 Woman works (1 = yes) .083 .080 .085 .005 
 Age of first cohabitation (years) 18.981 19.006 18.957 −0.049 
 Number of observations 1,037 498 539  
p value (joint significance)    .462 
B. Sample Children     
 Child's age (months) 2.909 2.901 2.915 0.014 
 Child's biological sex (1 = male) .492 .504 .481 –.023 
 Child's birth order 2.366 2.393 2.340 −0.053 
 Preceding birth interval (months) 51.731 52.401 51.046 −1.355 
 HAZ −0.199 −0.186 −0.211 −0.026 
 WHZ 0.126 0.115 0.136 0.022 
 WAZ 0.099 0.094 0.103 0.009 
 Number of observations 1,034 496 538  
 Number of observations with anthropometric data 545 260 285  
p value (joint significance)    .361 

Notes: In panel A, the unit of analysis is the woman. In panel B, it is the child. Our sample includes three women who reported being immediately postpartum but whose children we did not record. These women are dropped from further analysis but are included here for completeness. The significance indicator is based on the critical value from individual t tests.

**p < .01

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