Table 4

Syrian men's employment outcomes by age in prewar Syria and Turkey

Prewar SyriaTurkey
Age GroupEmployedWage WorkerEmployedWage Worker
15–19 .436 .298 .630 .513 
20–24 .656 .462 .832 .717 
25–29 .879 .600 .818 .691 
30–34 .945 .631 .829 .683 
35–39 .966 .625 .922 .687 
40–44 .965 .585 .839 .610 
45–49 .938 .570 .588 .408 
50–54 .822 .516 .340 .228 
55–59 .778 .457 .168 .099 
60–69 .520 .234 .147 .077 
Prewar SyriaTurkey
Age GroupEmployedWage WorkerEmployedWage Worker
15–19 .436 .298 .630 .513 
20–24 .656 .462 .832 .717 
25–29 .879 .600 .818 .691 
30–34 .945 .631 .829 .683 
35–39 .966 .625 .922 .687 
40–44 .965 .585 .839 .610 
45–49 .938 .570 .588 .408 
50–54 .822 .516 .340 .228 
55–59 .778 .457 .168 .099 
60–69 .520 .234 .147 .077 

Notes: The prewar Syria data on employment outcomes come from the 2009 SFHS. In the prewar Syria data, province-specific averages are weighted by the fraction of Syrians in Turkey who originated from each of the 14 Syrian provinces. The data for Turkey come from the 2018 TDHS-S. We impute the data for the fraction employed in this sample. The employment data in this sample include only wage employment for the total male sample. However, for married men (partners of the target sample of females aged 15–49), both employment and wage employment data exist. We first calculate the fraction of wage earners among employed married men for each age group. Then, assuming that this fraction by age group is the same for married men and all men, we impute the fraction of employed men by age group for the total male sample.

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