Table 3

Opportunity cost of marriage for young Syrian women

A. School EnrollmentB. Employment Outcomes
EmployedWage Worker
Age GroupPrewar SyriaTurkeyPrewar SyriaTurkeyPrewar SyriaTurkey
10–14 .799 .705 — — — — 
15–19 .400 .151 .081 .074 .046 .069 
20–24 .143 .035 .140 .060 .090 .055 
25–29 .012 .000 .178 .085 .119 .080 
A. School EnrollmentB. Employment Outcomes
EmployedWage Worker
Age GroupPrewar SyriaTurkeyPrewar SyriaTurkeyPrewar SyriaTurkey
10–14 .799 .705 — — — — 
15–19 .400 .151 .081 .074 .046 .069 
20–24 .143 .035 .140 .060 .090 .055 
25–29 .012 .000 .178 .085 .119 .080 

Notes: The prewar Syria data come from the 2009 SFHS, and Turkey data come from the 2018 TDHS-S. The prewar Syria data are weighted by the fraction of Syrians in Turkey who originated from each of 14 provinces in Syria. Sample weights are used.

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