Table 5

Underlying mechanisms: Impact of the PAJE reform on labor supply

A: Switching From Part-time to Full-time
Half Benefits .005  .004  
 (.016)  (.009)  
Zero Benefits  .006  –.001 
  (.008)  (.004) 
Number of Observations 1,273 2,022 1,295 2,154 
R2 .003 .002 .002 .003 
B: Having Multiple Jobs
Half Benefits .002  .010  
 (.020)  (.015)  
Zero Benefits  –.002  .000 
  (.010)  (.009) 
Number of Observations 1,409 2,198 1,407 2,283 
R2 .007 .011 .001 .000 
C: Labor Market Participation
Half Benefits .011  –.028  
 (.041)  (.038)  
Zero Benefits  .013  –.005 
  (.023)  (.017) 
Number of Observations 2,402 3,567 2,072 3,275 
R2 .005 .007 .006 .001 
D: Overtime (>35 hours/week)
Half Benefits .136*  .119**  
 (.056)  (.036)  
Zero Benefits  .125**  .118** 
  (.035)  (.029) 
Number of Observations 1,405 2,194 1,399 2,275 
R2 .010 .040 .010 .035 
Year Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes Yes 
A: Switching From Part-time to Full-time
Half Benefits .005  .004  
 (.016)  (.009)  
Zero Benefits  .006  –.001 
  (.008)  (.004) 
Number of Observations 1,273 2,022 1,295 2,154 
R2 .003 .002 .002 .003 
B: Having Multiple Jobs
Half Benefits .002  .010  
 (.020)  (.015)  
Zero Benefits  –.002  .000 
  (.010)  (.009) 
Number of Observations 1,409 2,198 1,407 2,283 
R2 .007 .011 .001 .000 
C: Labor Market Participation
Half Benefits .011  –.028  
 (.041)  (.038)  
Zero Benefits  .013  –.005 
  (.023)  (.017) 
Number of Observations 2,402 3,567 2,072 3,275 
R2 .005 .007 .006 .001 
D: Overtime (>35 hours/week)
Half Benefits .136*  .119**  
 (.056)  (.036)  
Zero Benefits  .125**  .118** 
  (.035)  (.029) 
Number of Observations 1,405 2,194 1,399 2,275 
R2 .010 .040 .010 .035 
Year Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes Yes 

Notes: Robust standard errors are shown in parentheses. Each cell presents a regression discontinuity (RD) estimator using individual-level data. Results are reported using a first-order polynomial control function. In panel A, the dependent variable is a dummy variable indicator equal to 1 for individuals who switch from part-time employment to full-time employment (between April of the year before and April of the year considered). In panel B, the dependent variable is a dummy variable indicator equal to 1 for individuals who reported having multiple jobs. In panel C, the dependent variable is a dummy variable indicator for labor market participation. In panel D, the dependent variable is a dummy variable indicator equal to 1 for individuals working more than 35 hours per week, which corresponds to the legal number of working hours. “Half benefits” is a dummy variable indicator equal to 1 for households that receive half the amount of PAJE benefits and equal to 0 for households that receive the full PAJE benefits. “Zero benefits” is a dummy variable indicator equal to 1 for households that receive zero PAJE benefits and equal to 0 for households that are eligible for full or half the PAJE benefits. Regressions also include a linear control function, the interaction term between the control function and the RD estimator, and a year fixed effect.

*p < .05; **p < .01

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