Table 3

Nonparametric bandwidth estimation: Impact of the PAJE reform on fertility and labor supply

A: Birth Probability (announcement effect)
Half Benefits –.004  –.010  –.013  .006  
 (.009)  (.010)  (.012)  (.019)  
Zero Benefits  –.014  –.013  –.008  –.013 
  (.007)  (.008)  (.009)  (.015) 
Number of Observations 1,374 1,268 1,158 964 777 649 373 336 
R2 .000 .002 .001 .003 .001 .001 .000 .002 
B: Birth Probability (implementation effect)
Half Benefits .006  .004  .003  .000  
 (.004)  (.004)  (.006)  (.011)  
Zero Benefits  –.008*  –.009  –.006  –.012 
  (.004)  (.005)  (.004)  (.009) 
Number of Observations 1,374 1,268 1,158 964 777 649 373 336 
R2 .002 .032 .001 .003 .000 .003 .000 .006 
C: Hours of Work/Week for Women
Half Benefits 1.256*  1.275*  1.165  0.859  
 (0.533)  (0.582)  (0.727)  (0.919)  
Zero Benefits  0.310  0.674  1.576*  2.088* 
  (0.564)  (0.641)  (0.769)  (0.975) 
Number of Observations 1,167 1,106 998 857 656 588 304 310 
R2 .005 .000 .005 .001 .004 .007 .003 .015 
D: Hours of Work/Week for Men
Half Benefits 1.458**  1.513*  1.889*  1.115  
 (0.551)  (0.603)  (0.733)  (1.026)  
Zero Benefits  1.707**  1.418*  1.617  2.116 
  (0.605)  (0.693)  (0.852)  (1.112) 
Number of Observations 1,248 1,230 1,069 942 732 637 349 324 
R2 .006 .007 .006 .005 .009 .006 .003 .011 
Year Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 
Distance From Threshold ±10,000 ±10,000 ±7,500 ±7,500 ±5,000 ±5,000 ±2,500 ±2,500 
A: Birth Probability (announcement effect)
Half Benefits –.004  –.010  –.013  .006  
 (.009)  (.010)  (.012)  (.019)  
Zero Benefits  –.014  –.013  –.008  –.013 
  (.007)  (.008)  (.009)  (.015) 
Number of Observations 1,374 1,268 1,158 964 777 649 373 336 
R2 .000 .002 .001 .003 .001 .001 .000 .002 
B: Birth Probability (implementation effect)
Half Benefits .006  .004  .003  .000  
 (.004)  (.004)  (.006)  (.011)  
Zero Benefits  –.008*  –.009  –.006  –.012 
  (.004)  (.005)  (.004)  (.009) 
Number of Observations 1,374 1,268 1,158 964 777 649 373 336 
R2 .002 .032 .001 .003 .000 .003 .000 .006 
C: Hours of Work/Week for Women
Half Benefits 1.256*  1.275*  1.165  0.859  
 (0.533)  (0.582)  (0.727)  (0.919)  
Zero Benefits  0.310  0.674  1.576*  2.088* 
  (0.564)  (0.641)  (0.769)  (0.975) 
Number of Observations 1,167 1,106 998 857 656 588 304 310 
R2 .005 .000 .005 .001 .004 .007 .003 .015 
D: Hours of Work/Week for Men
Half Benefits 1.458**  1.513*  1.889*  1.115  
 (0.551)  (0.603)  (0.733)  (1.026)  
Zero Benefits  1.707**  1.418*  1.617  2.116 
  (0.605)  (0.693)  (0.852)  (1.112) 
Number of Observations 1,248 1,230 1,069 942 732 637 349 324 
R2 .006 .007 .006 .005 .009 .006 .003 .011 
Year Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 
Distance From Threshold ±10,000 ±10,000 ±7,500 ±7,500 ±5,000 ±5,000 ±2,500 ±2,500 

Notes: Robust standard errors are shown in parentheses. Each cell presents a regression discontinuity estimator using household-level data in panels A and B and individual-level data in panels C and D. Analysis is restricted to households within ±10,000 euros of yearly household income from the income threshold defined by the 2014 policy reform in columns 1 and 2, within ±7,500 euros in columns 3 and 4, within ±5,000 euros in columns 5 and 6, and within ±2,500 euros in columns 7 and 8. In panel A, the dependent variable is a dummy variable indicator for the probability of birth at the household level, nine months after the law was first discussed in March 2013. In panel B, the dependent variable is a dummy variable indicator for the probability of birth at the household level, nine months after the law came into force in April 2014. In panels C and D, the dependent variables refer to the number of hours of work per week for women and men, respectively. “Half benefits” is a dummy variable indicator equal to 1 for households that receive half the amount of PAJE benefits and to 0 for households that receive the full PAJE benefits. “Zero benefits” is a dummy variable indicator equal to 1 for households that receive zero PAJE benefits and to 0 for households that are eligible for full or half the PAJE benefits. Distance from the discontinuity threshold is reported in the last row.

p < .10; *p < .05; **p < .01

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