Table 1

Descriptive statistics for variables used in the analyses

AllChildren of NativesChildren of Immigrants
GPA 0.089 0.891 ‒3.847 17.564 0.094 ‒0.089 0.184** 
Enrolled in Postsecondary Education .539  .537 .584 ‒.047** 
Expected Earnings From Education 53.316 14.826 90 53.335 52.699 0.636** 
Field of Education (postsecondary)        
 Education .071  .072 .051 .021** 
 Law .018  .017 .025 ‒.008** 
 Business and administration .101  .100 .137 ‒.037** 
 Health, lower .099  .100 .079 .021** 
 Health professionals .021  .020 .069 ‒.049** 
 Science and engineering .097  .097 .110 ‒.013** 
 Arts and humanities .051  .051 .045 .007** 
 Social sciences and other .078  .078 .067 .012** 
Parental Years of Education 12.521 2.376 19 12.549 11.599 0.950** 
Parental Selectivity 47.454 26.366 0.115 99.950 46.912 65.168 ‒18.256** 
Sex (female) .486  .486 .483 .003 
Birth Year 1991.138 3.694 1985 1997 1991.116 1991.865 ‒0.749** 
Birth Order 1.903 0.998 17 1.891 2.297 ‒0.407** 
Number of Siblings 2.009 1.238 19 1.992 2.556 ‒0.564** 
Mother's Birth Year 1962.931 5.910 1929 1984 1962.927 1963.081 ‒0.154** 
Father's Birth Year 1960.074 6.555 1915 1983 1960.128 1958.138 1.990** 
Information on Only One Parent .011  .007 .121 ‒.114** 
Number of Observations  673,674  653,675 19,999  
AllChildren of NativesChildren of Immigrants
GPA 0.089 0.891 ‒3.847 17.564 0.094 ‒0.089 0.184** 
Enrolled in Postsecondary Education .539  .537 .584 ‒.047** 
Expected Earnings From Education 53.316 14.826 90 53.335 52.699 0.636** 
Field of Education (postsecondary)        
 Education .071  .072 .051 .021** 
 Law .018  .017 .025 ‒.008** 
 Business and administration .101  .100 .137 ‒.037** 
 Health, lower .099  .100 .079 .021** 
 Health professionals .021  .020 .069 ‒.049** 
 Science and engineering .097  .097 .110 ‒.013** 
 Arts and humanities .051  .051 .045 .007** 
 Social sciences and other .078  .078 .067 .012** 
Parental Years of Education 12.521 2.376 19 12.549 11.599 0.950** 
Parental Selectivity 47.454 26.366 0.115 99.950 46.912 65.168 ‒18.256** 
Sex (female) .486  .486 .483 .003 
Birth Year 1991.138 3.694 1985 1997 1991.116 1991.865 ‒0.749** 
Birth Order 1.903 0.998 17 1.891 2.297 ‒0.407** 
Number of Siblings 2.009 1.238 19 1.992 2.556 ‒0.564** 
Mother's Birth Year 1962.931 5.910 1929 1984 1962.927 1963.081 ‒0.154** 
Father's Birth Year 1960.074 6.555 1915 1983 1960.128 1958.138 1.990** 
Information on Only One Parent .011  .007 .121 ‒.114** 
Number of Observations  673,674  653,675 19,999  

Notes: Missing values are handled by listwise deletion. Expected earnings show the average ranked expected earnings. GPA represents the average standard deviations from the mean GPA, standardized within birth cohorts.

**p < .01 (two-tailed t test)

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