Table 1

Outcomes and samples

Pregnancy Outcomes
 Recognized pregnancy within six weeks 
Universe in states where question was asked
(AL, DE, LA, MD, ME, NJ, OK, TX) 
 Prenatal care in first trimester Universe 128,817 
 Recommended weight gain Universe 106,951 
 Quit smoking in first/second trimester Reported any tobacco use three months before pregnancy 23,230 
 Quit smoking in third trimester Reported any tobacco use three months before pregnancy 29,430 
 Reduced drinking by third trimester Reported alcohol consumption three months
before pregnancy 
 IPV initiated Reported no IPV before pregnancy 126,474 
Infant Outcomes at Birth
 Preterm birth 
Universe 131,175 
 Low birth weight Universe 131,138 
 Very low birth weight Universe 131,138 
 Small for gestational age Universe 125,625 
 Infant in intensive care unit Universe 129,895 
 Infant mortality Universe 128,161 
Maternal Postpartum Outcomes
 Postpartum visit 
Universe 130,378 
 Depression initiated Reported no depression before pregnancy 114,268 
 Depression improved Reported depression before pregnancy 14,256 
 Smoking worsened Reported smoking <41 cigarettes/day three
months before pregnancy 
 Smoking improved Reported any tobacco use three months before pregnancy 29,728 
 Ever breastfed Universe 128,004 
 Breastfed for ≥3 months Gave birth ≥91 days before survey 112,263 
Pregnancy Outcomes
 Recognized pregnancy within six weeks 
Universe in states where question was asked
(AL, DE, LA, MD, ME, NJ, OK, TX) 
 Prenatal care in first trimester Universe 128,817 
 Recommended weight gain Universe 106,951 
 Quit smoking in first/second trimester Reported any tobacco use three months before pregnancy 23,230 
 Quit smoking in third trimester Reported any tobacco use three months before pregnancy 29,430 
 Reduced drinking by third trimester Reported alcohol consumption three months
before pregnancy 
 IPV initiated Reported no IPV before pregnancy 126,474 
Infant Outcomes at Birth
 Preterm birth 
Universe 131,175 
 Low birth weight Universe 131,138 
 Very low birth weight Universe 131,138 
 Small for gestational age Universe 125,625 
 Infant in intensive care unit Universe 129,895 
 Infant mortality Universe 128,161 
Maternal Postpartum Outcomes
 Postpartum visit 
Universe 130,378 
 Depression initiated Reported no depression before pregnancy 114,268 
 Depression improved Reported depression before pregnancy 14,256 
 Smoking worsened Reported smoking <41 cigarettes/day three
months before pregnancy 
 Smoking improved Reported any tobacco use three months before pregnancy 29,728 
 Ever breastfed Universe 128,004 
 Breastfed for ≥3 months Gave birth ≥91 days before survey 112,263 

Notes: Data on pregnancy, infant, and maternal outcomes are from Phase 7 of the National PRAMS. The number of observations in the universe of data varies because of variation in response rates by question. IPV = intimate partner violence.

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