Table 2

Descriptive statistics for the analytic sample

Heteropatriarchy Scale (mean; range, 0–13) 6.51 (0.32) 
 Structural sexism  
  Ratio of men's/women's median income 0.04 (0.01) 
  Ratio of men's/women's labor force participation 0.00 (0.01) 
  Ratio of women's/men's unemployment rate 0.00 (0.02) 
  % of votes cast for Republican president 0.10 (0.09) 
  Conservative denomination adherents per capita 0.19 (0.11) 
 Lesbian, gay, and bisexual policy (%)  
  Employment discrimination protection for sexual orientation 55.14 
  Hate crime statute for sexual orientation 58.52 
  Same-sex marriage/domestic partnership/civil union/reciprocalbenefits relationship 14.08 
  Same-sex adoption legal 19.91 
 Abortion policy (%)  
  Limited public funding for abortion 69.90 
  No abortion provider 40.56 
  Informed consent  
   None 36.02 
   Informed consent but no mandatory waiting period 18.35 
   Informed consent and mandatory waiting period 45.63 
  Parental consent  
   None 18.84 
   Not enforced 17.27 
   Enforced 63.89 
Birth Outcome  
 Preterm birth (%) 11.95 
 Low birth weight (%) 7.23 
 Birth weight (kg) 3.31 (0.01) 
Additional Covariates  
 Maternal age (years) 26.20 (0.20) 
 Sexual identity (closest) (%)  
  100% heterosexual 82.86 
  Mostly heterosexual 14.09 
  Mostly or 100% gay/bisexual 2.53 
  Not reported 0.51 
 Education (prior to birth) (%)  
  Less than high school 13.25 
  High school (or equivalent) 47.18 
  Some college 16.10 
  Bachelor's degree or more 23.47 
 Relationship status (%)  
  Married 54.85 
  Cohabiting 22.76 
  Dating 16.27 
  Just friends/stranger 6.03 
  Unknown 0.09 
 Race and ethnicity (%)  
  Non-Hispanic White 68.14 
  Non-Hispanic Black 17.21 
  Latina 10.94 
  Other 3.71 
 Poverty (%)  
  First quintile 28.57 
  Second quintile 21.51 
  Third quintile 23.82 
  Fourth quintile 26.10 
 Region (%)  
  1 14.70 
  2 34.66 
  3 40.44 
  4 10.20 
Heteropatriarchy Scale (mean; range, 0–13) 6.51 (0.32) 
 Structural sexism  
  Ratio of men's/women's median income 0.04 (0.01) 
  Ratio of men's/women's labor force participation 0.00 (0.01) 
  Ratio of women's/men's unemployment rate 0.00 (0.02) 
  % of votes cast for Republican president 0.10 (0.09) 
  Conservative denomination adherents per capita 0.19 (0.11) 
 Lesbian, gay, and bisexual policy (%)  
  Employment discrimination protection for sexual orientation 55.14 
  Hate crime statute for sexual orientation 58.52 
  Same-sex marriage/domestic partnership/civil union/reciprocalbenefits relationship 14.08 
  Same-sex adoption legal 19.91 
 Abortion policy (%)  
  Limited public funding for abortion 69.90 
  No abortion provider 40.56 
  Informed consent  
   None 36.02 
   Informed consent but no mandatory waiting period 18.35 
   Informed consent and mandatory waiting period 45.63 
  Parental consent  
   None 18.84 
   Not enforced 17.27 
   Enforced 63.89 
Birth Outcome  
 Preterm birth (%) 11.95 
 Low birth weight (%) 7.23 
 Birth weight (kg) 3.31 (0.01) 
Additional Covariates  
 Maternal age (years) 26.20 (0.20) 
 Sexual identity (closest) (%)  
  100% heterosexual 82.86 
  Mostly heterosexual 14.09 
  Mostly or 100% gay/bisexual 2.53 
  Not reported 0.51 
 Education (prior to birth) (%)  
  Less than high school 13.25 
  High school (or equivalent) 47.18 
  Some college 16.10 
  Bachelor's degree or more 23.47 
 Relationship status (%)  
  Married 54.85 
  Cohabiting 22.76 
  Dating 16.27 
  Just friends/stranger 6.03 
  Unknown 0.09 
 Race and ethnicity (%)  
  Non-Hispanic White 68.14 
  Non-Hispanic Black 17.21 
  Latina 10.94 
  Other 3.71 
 Poverty (%)  
  First quintile 28.57 
  Second quintile 21.51 
  Third quintile 23.82 
  Fourth quintile 26.10 
 Region (%)  
  1 14.70 
  2 34.66 
  3 40.44 
  4 10.20 

Notes: Analytic sample N = 11,414. Figures are means, ratios, or percentages, and standard errors are shown in parentheses.

Source: National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health.

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