Table 1

Indicators used to construct the heteropatriarchy scale, including overall Cronbach's alpha for the scale and individual alpha values for each indicator

Structural Sexism    
 Ratio of men's/women's median income County .748 
 Ratio of men's/women's labor force participation County .762 
 Ratio of women's/men's unemployment rate County .763 
 % of votes cast for Republican president County .729 
 Conservative denomination adherents per capita County .713 
Abortion Policy    
 Public funding for abortion State .691 
 Abortion providers County .720 
 Mandatory waiting periods and informed consent State .732 
 Parental consent for abortion State .721 
Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Policy    
 Employment discrimination protection for sexual orientation State .721 
 Hate crime statute for sexual orientation State .723 
 Same-sex marriage/domestic partnership/civil union/reciprocal benefits relationship State .713 
 Same-sex adoption State .734 
Test Scale Alpha   .745 
Structural Sexism    
 Ratio of men's/women's median income County .748 
 Ratio of men's/women's labor force participation County .762 
 Ratio of women's/men's unemployment rate County .763 
 % of votes cast for Republican president County .729 
 Conservative denomination adherents per capita County .713 
Abortion Policy    
 Public funding for abortion State .691 
 Abortion providers County .720 
 Mandatory waiting periods and informed consent State .732 
 Parental consent for abortion State .721 
Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Policy    
 Employment discrimination protection for sexual orientation State .721 
 Hate crime statute for sexual orientation State .723 
 Same-sex marriage/domestic partnership/civil union/reciprocal benefits relationship State .713 
 Same-sex adoption State .734 
Test Scale Alpha   .745 

Source: National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health.

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