Table 4

Incidence rate ratios from Poisson regressions assessing relationships of demographic characteristics with fertility, child mortality, and net reproduction among currently married women in the 1900–1910 linked data set

MeasureFertility (1)Child Mortality (2)Net Reproduction (3)
Coresidence of Parents and Parents-in-Law    
 None (ref.) — — — 
 Mother coresident, 1900 0.951*** 1.024*** 0.949*** 
 Father coresident, 1900 0.993 1.048*** 0.993 
 Mother-in-law coresident, 1900 1.030*** 1.020*** 1.036*** 
 Father-in-law coresident, 1900 0.999 1.018* 1.001 
Adult Surname Kin Density 1.283*** 0.160*** 1.636*** 
Nearby Potential Mother-in-Law    
 None (ref.) — — — 
 Nearby mother-in-law, 1900 1.016*** 1.011 1.020*** 
Coresident Female Servants    
 None (ref.) — — — 
 Coresident female servants, 1900 0.901*** 0.994 0.910*** 
No. of Children Ever Born, 1900 1.127***   
No. of Children at Risk to Die, 1900–1910  1.360***  
Proportion of Children Dying Prior to 1900  2.393***  
No. of Children Surviving, 1900   1.123*** 
No. of Cases 2,047,694 3,173,297 2,047,694 
Pseudo-R2 0.084 0.207 0.075 
MeasureFertility (1)Child Mortality (2)Net Reproduction (3)
Coresidence of Parents and Parents-in-Law    
 None (ref.) — — — 
 Mother coresident, 1900 0.951*** 1.024*** 0.949*** 
 Father coresident, 1900 0.993 1.048*** 0.993 
 Mother-in-law coresident, 1900 1.030*** 1.020*** 1.036*** 
 Father-in-law coresident, 1900 0.999 1.018* 1.001 
Adult Surname Kin Density 1.283*** 0.160*** 1.636*** 
Nearby Potential Mother-in-Law    
 None (ref.) — — — 
 Nearby mother-in-law, 1900 1.016*** 1.011 1.020*** 
Coresident Female Servants    
 None (ref.) — — — 
 Coresident female servants, 1900 0.901*** 0.994 0.910*** 
No. of Children Ever Born, 1900 1.127***   
No. of Children at Risk to Die, 1900–1910  1.360***  
Proportion of Children Dying Prior to 1900  2.393***  
No. of Children Surviving, 1900   1.123*** 
No. of Cases 2,047,694 3,173,297 2,047,694 
Pseudo-R2 0.084 0.207 0.075 

Notes: Dependent variables include number of children born 1900–1910 (fertility model), number of children dying 1900–1910 (child mortality model), and net change in number of living children 1900–1910 (reproduction model). Other variables in the models include woman's age-group, literacy, nativity (native-born of native-born parents, second generation, foreign-born), labor force participation, and age difference from spouse; spouse's literacy, nativity, and occupation group; and residence type and population (rural, <2,500; urban, 2,500–9,999; urban, 10,000–99,999; urban, 100,000–499,999; urban, ≥500,000). Coresidence of parents, parents-in-law, and servants was measured in 1900. All models include county fixed effects and standard errors clustered at the enumeration district level. Incidence rate ratios are the exponentiated parameter estimates.

Source: Ruggles et al. (2020).

*p < .05; ***p < .001

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