Table 1

Percentage distribution of characteristics of women at LARC discontinuation, United States 2002–2017

NSFGaNSFGa (women ages 20–34 at LARC discontinuation)pdiffNLSY97b
N 718 550  514 
Age at LARC Discontinuation   <.001  
 15–19 6.0 NA  1.4 
 20–24 24.3 33.6  15.4 
 25–29 30.1 41.7  44.8 
 30–34 17.9 24.7  36.2 
 35+ 21.7 NA  2.1 
Calendar Year of LARC Discontinuation   .724  
 2002–2006 8.6 8.6  8.6 
 2007–2011 36.5 38.0  40.9 
 2012–2017 54.8 53.4  50.4 
Race/Ethnicity   <.001  
 White 52.1 50.5  72.0 
 Hispanic 29.6 28.1  17.0 
 Black 9.4 10.8  10.0 
 Other 8.9 10.6  1.0 
Education at LARC Discontinuation   <.010  
 Less than high school 13.7 12.1  16.7 
 High school 28.4 29.1  25.0 
 Some college 35.7 38.9  28.3 
 Bachelor's degree or more 22.3 19.9  30.0 
Union Status at LARC Discontinuation   .393  
 Married 49.3 46.9  46.9 
 Cohabiting 20.0 21.6  25.6 
 Single 30.8 31.5  27.6 
Parity at LARC Discontinuation   .769  
 0 16.2 15.4  17.6 
 1 29.4 32.8  32.5 
 2+ 54.4 51.8  49.9 
Duration of LARC Use Before Discontinuation   <.001  
 1 year 23.3 21.5  24.3 
 2 years 20.4 20.6  35.5 
 3 years 15.9 17.8  12.5 
 4+ years 40.4 40.2  27.7 
NSFGaNSFGa (women ages 20–34 at LARC discontinuation)pdiffNLSY97b
N 718 550  514 
Age at LARC Discontinuation   <.001  
 15–19 6.0 NA  1.4 
 20–24 24.3 33.6  15.4 
 25–29 30.1 41.7  44.8 
 30–34 17.9 24.7  36.2 
 35+ 21.7 NA  2.1 
Calendar Year of LARC Discontinuation   .724  
 2002–2006 8.6 8.6  8.6 
 2007–2011 36.5 38.0  40.9 
 2012–2017 54.8 53.4  50.4 
Race/Ethnicity   <.001  
 White 52.1 50.5  72.0 
 Hispanic 29.6 28.1  17.0 
 Black 9.4 10.8  10.0 
 Other 8.9 10.6  1.0 
Education at LARC Discontinuation   <.010  
 Less than high school 13.7 12.1  16.7 
 High school 28.4 29.1  25.0 
 Some college 35.7 38.9  28.3 
 Bachelor's degree or more 22.3 19.9  30.0 
Union Status at LARC Discontinuation   .393  
 Married 49.3 46.9  46.9 
 Cohabiting 20.0 21.6  25.6 
 Single 30.8 31.5  27.6 
Parity at LARC Discontinuation   .769  
 0 16.2 15.4  17.6 
 1 29.4 32.8  32.5 
 2+ 54.4 51.8  49.9 
Duration of LARC Use Before Discontinuation   <.001  
 1 year 23.3 21.5  24.3 
 2 years 20.4 20.6  35.5 
 3 years 15.9 17.8  12.5 
 4+ years 40.4 40.2  27.7 

Notes: All percentages are weighted. pdiff. indicates results of an F test of the null hypothesis that there is no difference between the National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG) (women ages 20–34 at LARC discontinuation) and the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997 (NLSY97) estimates.


National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG), 2006–2010, 2011–2013, 2013–2015, and 2015–2017 cycles. LARC discontinuation occurred no more than three calendar years before the calendar year of the woman's survey interview.

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