Table 4

Overview of respondent's age and year of birth by outcome and country

CountryAgeBirth Year
A. Cognitive Skills   
 Germany 16–17 1987–1997 
 Norway 17–20 1967–1976 
 Sweden 17–20 1965–1977 
 United States (PSID) 3–18 1985–1997 
 United States (Add Health) 11–18 1976–1984 
B. School Grades   
 Norway 16 1985–1992 
 Sweden 16 1982–1991 
 United States (Add Health) 14–18 1976–1980 
C. Final Educational Attainment (years of education)   
 Finland 30 1974–1980 
 Germany 25–38 1976–1989 
 Norway 30 1970–1980 
 Sweden 30 1960–1982 
 United Kingdom 25–43 1954–1989 
 United States (PSID) 25–56 1954–1986 
CountryAgeBirth Year
A. Cognitive Skills   
 Germany 16–17 1987–1997 
 Norway 17–20 1967–1976 
 Sweden 17–20 1965–1977 
 United States (PSID) 3–18 1985–1997 
 United States (Add Health) 11–18 1976–1984 
B. School Grades   
 Norway 16 1985–1992 
 Sweden 16 1982–1991 
 United States (Add Health) 14–18 1976–1980 
C. Final Educational Attainment (years of education)   
 Finland 30 1974–1980 
 Germany 25–38 1976–1989 
 Norway 30 1970–1980 
 Sweden 30 1960–1982 
 United Kingdom 25–43 1954–1989 
 United States (PSID) 25–56 1954–1986 

Sources: Finland: Registers. Germany: Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP). Norway: Registers. Sweden: Registers. United Kingdom: United Kingdom Household Longitudinal Study (Understanding Society). United States: Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) and National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health (Add Health).

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