Table 2

Overview of estimates of sibling correlations at the population level from previous research

StudyCountryDataRespondents' GenderEstimate (SE in parentheses)
Outcome: Cognitive Skills 
 Anger and Schnitzlein (2017)  Germany SOEP Mixed .55 (.05) – .61 (.06)a 
 Björklund and Jäntti (2012)  Sweden Registers Male .47 (.01) 
 Duncan et al. (2001)  United States Add Health Male .46 (.07) 
 Duncan et al. (2001)  United States Add Health Female .56 (.05) 
 Grätz (2018)  Germany SOEP Mixed .42 (.03) 
Outcome: School Grades 
 Björklund and Jäntti (2012)  Sweden Registers Mixed .51 (.01) 
 Nicoletti and Rabe (2013)  England Registers (National Pupil Database) Mixed .54 (.00) – .61 (.00)b 
Outcome: Final Educational Attainment (years of education)     
 Björklund and Jäntti (2012)  Sweden Registers Mixed .39 (.00) 
 Björklund and Salvanes (2011)  Norway Registers Mixed .40 (.01) – .42 (0.1)c 
 Björklund et al. (2009)  Sweden Registers Male .46 (.01) – .48 (.02)c 
 Conley and Glauber (2008)  United States PSID Mixed .63 (.05) 
 Hällsten and Thaning (2018)  Sweden Registers Mixed .38 (n/a) 
 Marks and Mooi-Reci (2016)  Australia Data source not named in the paper Mixed .34 (n/a) – .58 (n/a)c 
 Mazumder (2008)  United States PSID Mixed .60 (.01) 
 Raaum et al. (2006)  Norway Registers Male .42 (.01) 
 Raaum et al. (2006)  Norway Registers Female .46 (.01) – .47 (.01)c 
 Schnitzlein (2014)  Germany SOEP Male .66 (.04) 
 Schnitzlein (2014)  Germany SOEP Female .55 (.05) 
 Sieben et al. (2001)  West Germany German Life History Study Mixed .38 (n/a) – .48 (n/a)c,d 
 Sieben et al. (2001)  East Germany German Life History Study Mixed .24 (n/a) – .30 (n/a)c,d 
 Sieben et al. (2001)  Netherlands Familie-enquete Nederlands Bevolking Mixed .41 (n/a) – .52 (n/a)c,d 
StudyCountryDataRespondents' GenderEstimate (SE in parentheses)
Outcome: Cognitive Skills 
 Anger and Schnitzlein (2017)  Germany SOEP Mixed .55 (.05) – .61 (.06)a 
 Björklund and Jäntti (2012)  Sweden Registers Male .47 (.01) 
 Duncan et al. (2001)  United States Add Health Male .46 (.07) 
 Duncan et al. (2001)  United States Add Health Female .56 (.05) 
 Grätz (2018)  Germany SOEP Mixed .42 (.03) 
Outcome: School Grades 
 Björklund and Jäntti (2012)  Sweden Registers Mixed .51 (.01) 
 Nicoletti and Rabe (2013)  England Registers (National Pupil Database) Mixed .54 (.00) – .61 (.00)b 
Outcome: Final Educational Attainment (years of education)     
 Björklund and Jäntti (2012)  Sweden Registers Mixed .39 (.00) 
 Björklund and Salvanes (2011)  Norway Registers Mixed .40 (.01) – .42 (0.1)c 
 Björklund et al. (2009)  Sweden Registers Male .46 (.01) – .48 (.02)c 
 Conley and Glauber (2008)  United States PSID Mixed .63 (.05) 
 Hällsten and Thaning (2018)  Sweden Registers Mixed .38 (n/a) 
 Marks and Mooi-Reci (2016)  Australia Data source not named in the paper Mixed .34 (n/a) – .58 (n/a)c 
 Mazumder (2008)  United States PSID Mixed .60 (.01) 
 Raaum et al. (2006)  Norway Registers Male .42 (.01) 
 Raaum et al. (2006)  Norway Registers Female .46 (.01) – .47 (.01)c 
 Schnitzlein (2014)  Germany SOEP Male .66 (.04) 
 Schnitzlein (2014)  Germany SOEP Female .55 (.05) 
 Sieben et al. (2001)  West Germany German Life History Study Mixed .38 (n/a) – .48 (n/a)c,d 
 Sieben et al. (2001)  East Germany German Life History Study Mixed .24 (n/a) – .30 (n/a)c,d 
 Sieben et al. (2001)  Netherlands Familie-enquete Nederlands Bevolking Mixed .41 (n/a) – .52 (n/a)c,d 

Several estimates because of different outcomes.


Several estimates because of outcomes measured at different ages.


Several estimates because of reporting estimates on different cohorts.


These estimates are not intraclass correlation coefficients obtained using multilevel models but rather correlation coefficients based on two siblings for each family. Thus, these estimates are not strictly comparable to the others.

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