Table 3

Multinomial model of living arrangements, three subgroups

MarriedCohabiting, FatherCohabiting, Nonfather
Education Less Than High School (N = 338) 
 Experimental group 0.060 0.486 –0.168 0.410 –0.772 0.456 
 Child support history in year prior entering W-2 
  $1,000 or more paid on behalf of family 0.021 0.825 –1.034 0.685 0.325 0.615 
 Age >30 years –1.622 0.953 –0.887 0.702 –0.522 0.503 
 African American –0.961 0.579 –0.660 0.537 –0.996 0.512 
 Region (vs. Milwaukee) 
  Other urban county 0.146 0.742 0.468 0.579 –1.247 0.931 
  Rural county 0.211 0.999 0.826 0.748 0.437 0.860 
 Age of youngest (vs. <3 years) 
  Age 3–5 years 1.220* 0.509 0.540 0.533 0.521 0.592 
  Age 6 or more years 0.459 0.823 –2.670* 1.079 0.990 0.542 
 Intercept –1.665** 0.594 –1.293** 0.502 –1.327** 0.510 
 Log-likelihood   –289.7    
No AFDC Receipt In Prior Two Years (N = 150) 
 Experimental group –0.941 0.574 0.580 0.676 –2.296* 0.931 
 Child support history in year prior entering W-2 
  $1,000 or more paid on behalf of family –0.391 0.889 –0.101 0.984 –17.669** 0.978 
 Age >30 years –0.283 1.075 –16.356** 0.756 0.784 0.833 
 African American –1.020 0.744 0.085 0.979 –1.833 1.281 
 Education (vs. less than high school) 
  High school 0.939 0.593 –1.411 0.967 0.152 0.761 
  More than high school –0.223 0.874 –1.167 1.410 –0.694 0.841 
 Region (vs. Milwaukee) 
  Other urban county –0.032 0.718 –0.277 0.975 0.043 1.150 
  Rural county 1.113 0.794 0.972 1.157 –0.281 1.229 
 Age of youngest (vs. < 3 years) 
  Age 3–5 years –17.423** 0.853 –17.278** 0.848 2.691* 1.125 
  Age 6 or More –0.480 1.131 –14.361** 1.492 –0.055 1.066 
 Intercept –1.054 0.910 –1.149 1.133 –0.393 1.272 
 Log-likelihood   –75.3    
Mothers With Youngest Child Age 5 or Younger at Entry (N = 516) 
 Experimental group –0.178 0.330 –0.085 0.346 –0.950* 0.381 
 Child support history in year prior entering W-2 
  $1,000 or more paid on behalf of family –0.297 0.563 –0.880 0.542 –0.220 0.536 
 Age >30 years –0.282 0.507 –0.950 0.637 –1.170* 0.595 
 African American –1.363** 0.373 –0.983* 0.446 –0.834 0.449 
 Education (vs. less than high school) 
  High school 0.180 0.345 –1.219** 0.434 –0.166 0.410 
  More than high school 0.560 0.528 –0.587 0.689 1.277** 0.467 
 Region (vs. Milwaukee) 
  Other urban county –0.081 0.436 0.213 0.511 –0.017 0.510 
  Rural county 0.453 0.517 0.718 0.616 1.017 0.597 
 Intercept –0.986* 0.395 –0.904* 0.444 –1.217** 0.467 
 Log-likelihood   –436.5    
MarriedCohabiting, FatherCohabiting, Nonfather
Education Less Than High School (N = 338) 
 Experimental group 0.060 0.486 –0.168 0.410 –0.772 0.456 
 Child support history in year prior entering W-2 
  $1,000 or more paid on behalf of family 0.021 0.825 –1.034 0.685 0.325 0.615 
 Age >30 years –1.622 0.953 –0.887 0.702 –0.522 0.503 
 African American –0.961 0.579 –0.660 0.537 –0.996 0.512 
 Region (vs. Milwaukee) 
  Other urban county 0.146 0.742 0.468 0.579 –1.247 0.931 
  Rural county 0.211 0.999 0.826 0.748 0.437 0.860 
 Age of youngest (vs. <3 years) 
  Age 3–5 years 1.220* 0.509 0.540 0.533 0.521 0.592 
  Age 6 or more years 0.459 0.823 –2.670* 1.079 0.990 0.542 
 Intercept –1.665** 0.594 –1.293** 0.502 –1.327** 0.510 
 Log-likelihood   –289.7    
No AFDC Receipt In Prior Two Years (N = 150) 
 Experimental group –0.941 0.574 0.580 0.676 –2.296* 0.931 
 Child support history in year prior entering W-2 
  $1,000 or more paid on behalf of family –0.391 0.889 –0.101 0.984 –17.669** 0.978 
 Age >30 years –0.283 1.075 –16.356** 0.756 0.784 0.833 
 African American –1.020 0.744 0.085 0.979 –1.833 1.281 
 Education (vs. less than high school) 
  High school 0.939 0.593 –1.411 0.967 0.152 0.761 
  More than high school –0.223 0.874 –1.167 1.410 –0.694 0.841 
 Region (vs. Milwaukee) 
  Other urban county –0.032 0.718 –0.277 0.975 0.043 1.150 
  Rural county 1.113 0.794 0.972 1.157 –0.281 1.229 
 Age of youngest (vs. < 3 years) 
  Age 3–5 years –17.423** 0.853 –17.278** 0.848 2.691* 1.125 
  Age 6 or More –0.480 1.131 –14.361** 1.492 –0.055 1.066 
 Intercept –1.054 0.910 –1.149 1.133 –0.393 1.272 
 Log-likelihood   –75.3    
Mothers With Youngest Child Age 5 or Younger at Entry (N = 516) 
 Experimental group –0.178 0.330 –0.085 0.346 –0.950* 0.381 
 Child support history in year prior entering W-2 
  $1,000 or more paid on behalf of family –0.297 0.563 –0.880 0.542 –0.220 0.536 
 Age >30 years –0.282 0.507 –0.950 0.637 –1.170* 0.595 
 African American –1.363** 0.373 –0.983* 0.446 –0.834 0.449 
 Education (vs. less than high school) 
  High school 0.180 0.345 –1.219** 0.434 –0.166 0.410 
  More than high school 0.560 0.528 –0.587 0.689 1.277** 0.467 
 Region (vs. Milwaukee) 
  Other urban county –0.081 0.436 0.213 0.511 –0.017 0.510 
  Rural county 0.453 0.517 0.718 0.616 1.017 0.597 
 Intercept –0.986* 0.395 –0.904* 0.444 –1.217** 0.467 
 Log-likelihood   –436.5    

Notes: Models also control for period entering W-2, a proxy for long-term receipt; there are no statistically significant estimates. A Hausman-McFadden test suggests the independence of irrelevant alternatives (IIA) assumption has not been violated.

p < .10; *p < .05; **p < .01

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