Table 1

Classification of causes of death amenable to alcohol consumption

CategoryICD-10 Codes
1. Alcohol-Attributable Conditions 
 Mental and behavioral disorders due to use of alcohol, alcoholic liver disease and cirrhosis of the liver, or poisoning by exposure to alcohol F10, K70 and K74, X45 
2. Amenable to Alcohol Consumption 
 Cardiovascular diseases (ischemic heart diseases, stroke, rheumatic heart diseases; essential hypertension; hypertensive disease; pulmonary heart diseases; nonrheumatic valve disorders; cardiac arrest; heart failure; other heart diseases; sequelae of cerebrovascular disease; diseases of arteries, arterioles and capillaries, other circulatory diseases) and transport accidents I20–I25, I60–I67 and G45, I00–I09; I10; I11–I15; I26–I28; I34–I38; I46; I50; I30–I33, I40–I45, I47–I49; I51; I69; I70–I78; I80– I99, and V01–V99 
3. Other Conditions Amenable to Alcohol Consumption 
 Other external causes (accidental exposure to smoke, fire and flames; accidental poisoning by other substance; suicide and self-inflicted injuries; assault; event of undetermined intent; complication of medical and surgical care, accidental falls, accidental drowning and submersion, other accidental threats to breathing, or other accidents and late effects of accidents) (X00–X09; X40–X44, X46–X49; X60–X84; X85–Y09, Y35, Y36; Y10–Y34; Y40–Y84, W00–W19, W65–W74, W75–W84, W20–W64, W85–W99, X10–X39, X50–X59, Y85–Y91, Y95–Y98) 
4. Residual Causes 
 Remaining conditions and mortality above age 85  
CategoryICD-10 Codes
1. Alcohol-Attributable Conditions 
 Mental and behavioral disorders due to use of alcohol, alcoholic liver disease and cirrhosis of the liver, or poisoning by exposure to alcohol F10, K70 and K74, X45 
2. Amenable to Alcohol Consumption 
 Cardiovascular diseases (ischemic heart diseases, stroke, rheumatic heart diseases; essential hypertension; hypertensive disease; pulmonary heart diseases; nonrheumatic valve disorders; cardiac arrest; heart failure; other heart diseases; sequelae of cerebrovascular disease; diseases of arteries, arterioles and capillaries, other circulatory diseases) and transport accidents I20–I25, I60–I67 and G45, I00–I09; I10; I11–I15; I26–I28; I34–I38; I46; I50; I30–I33, I40–I45, I47–I49; I51; I69; I70–I78; I80– I99, and V01–V99 
3. Other Conditions Amenable to Alcohol Consumption 
 Other external causes (accidental exposure to smoke, fire and flames; accidental poisoning by other substance; suicide and self-inflicted injuries; assault; event of undetermined intent; complication of medical and surgical care, accidental falls, accidental drowning and submersion, other accidental threats to breathing, or other accidents and late effects of accidents) (X00–X09; X40–X44, X46–X49; X60–X84; X85–Y09, Y35, Y36; Y10–Y34; Y40–Y84, W00–W19, W65–W74, W75–W84, W20–W64, W85–W99, X10–X39, X50–X59, Y85–Y91, Y95–Y98) 
4. Residual Causes 
 Remaining conditions and mortality above age 85  
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