Table 9

Contribution of increasing women’s work to a change in coefficient of variation (CV) of family income, 1996–2011

MethodConditional Reweighting for Women’s Labor Force ParticipationUnconditional Reweighting for Women’s Labor Force ParticipationUnconditional Adjustment for Women’s Earnings
Definition of Family Income Family income Family earnings Family earnings Family earnings Family earnings 
Sample Selection Women Women Women Wives Wives 
% of Change in CV –11 –12 –3 –3 +32 
MethodConditional Reweighting for Women’s Labor Force ParticipationUnconditional Reweighting for Women’s Labor Force ParticipationUnconditional Adjustment for Women’s Earnings
Definition of Family Income Family income Family earnings Family earnings Family earnings Family earnings 
Sample Selection Women Women Women Wives Wives 
% of Change in CV –11 –12 –3 –3 +32 
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