Table 5

Neighborhood selection model based on interactions between personal characteristics and neighborhood characteristics, N = 24,014

Interactions With Average Dwelling Values 
 Non-Western minority –0.0048 .000 
 Western minority –0.0015 .000 
 Couple –0.0043 .000 
 Couple with children –0.0026 .000 
 Young (<25 years) –0.0023 .000 
 Old (>65 years) –0.0011 .001 
 Household income 0.0000 .013 
Interactions With Number of Restaurants <3 km 
 Non-Western minority –0.0012 .000 
 Western minority 0.0002 .508 
 Couple 0.0000 .903 
 Couple with children –0.0030 .000 
 Young (<25 years) 0.0007 .000 
 Old (>65 years) –0.0066 .000 
 Household income 0.0000 .000 
Interactions With Distance to Train Station 
 Non-Western minority –0.0443 .000 
 Western minority –0.0482 .000 
 Couple –0.0442 .000 
 Couple with children –0.0399 .000 
 Young (<25 years) –0.0836 .000 
 Old (>65 years) –0.0873 .000 
 Household income –0.0010 .000 
Interactions With Distance to Highway Access Lane 
 Non-Western minority 0.0571 .029 
 Western minority –0.0345 .260 
 Couple 0.0564 .013 
 Couple with children 0.0642 .008 
 Young (<25 years) –0.1307 .000 
 Old (>65 years) –0.0311 .314 
 Household income –0.0010 .000 
Interactions With Share of Building Built After 2000 
 Non-Western minority 0.0034 .000 
 Western minority 0.0002 .868 
 Couple 0.0010 .146 
 Couple with children 0.0010 0.128 
 Young (<25 years) 0.0037 0.000 
 Old (>65 years) 0.0041 0.000 
 Household income 0.0001 0.000 
Interactions With Share of Non-Western Minorities 
 Non-Western minority 3.6129 .000 
 Western minority 1.3285 .000 
 Couple 0.4052 .014 
 Couple with children –0.1690 .365 
 Young (<25 years) 0.1190 .304 
 Old (>65 years) –0.6407 .012 
 Household income 0.0113 .000 
Interactions With Share of Western Minorities 
 Non-Western minority 2.8926 .000 
 Western minority 1.9160 .003 
 Couple 1.7145 .004 
 Couple with children 4.8522 .000 
 Young (<25 years) –3.8600 .000 
 Old (>65 years) –1.4014 .190 
 Household income 0.0205 .000 
Interactions With Share of Social Rented Dwellings 
 Non-Western minority 0.0037 .003 
 Western minority –0.0067 .000 
 Couple 0.0007 .554 
 Couple with children 0.0120 .000 
 Young (<25 years) –0.0110 .000 
 Old (>65 years) 0.0078 .000 
 Household income –0.0001 .000 
Interactions With Share of Private Rental Dwellings 
 Non-Western minority 0.0111 .000 
 Western minority –0.0054 .073 
 Couple 0.0050 .029 
 Couple with children 0.0143 .000 
 Young (<25 years) –0.0140 .000 
 Old (>65 years) 0.0202 .000 
 Household income 0.0000 .094 
Interactions With Share of Singles 
 Non-Western minority –0.0004 .868 
 Western minority 0.0131 .000 
 Couple –0.0182 .000 
 Couple with children –0.0371 .000 
 Young (<25 years) 0.0326 .000 
 Old (>65 years) 0.0137 .000 
 Household income –0.0001 .002 
Interactions With Share of Couples 
 Non-Western minority 0.0250 .000 
 Western minority –0.0010 .875 
 Couple 0.0212 .000 
 Couple with children 0.0115 .023 
 Young (<25 years) –0.0504 .000 
 Old (>65 years) 0.0358 .000 
 Household income 0.0002 .000 
Log-Likelihood  –119,218 
Log-Likelihood 0-Model  –127,591 
Likelihood Ratio (chi-square test statistic)  16,747 
Pseudo-R2  .0656 
Interactions With Average Dwelling Values 
 Non-Western minority –0.0048 .000 
 Western minority –0.0015 .000 
 Couple –0.0043 .000 
 Couple with children –0.0026 .000 
 Young (<25 years) –0.0023 .000 
 Old (>65 years) –0.0011 .001 
 Household income 0.0000 .013 
Interactions With Number of Restaurants <3 km 
 Non-Western minority –0.0012 .000 
 Western minority 0.0002 .508 
 Couple 0.0000 .903 
 Couple with children –0.0030 .000 
 Young (<25 years) 0.0007 .000 
 Old (>65 years) –0.0066 .000 
 Household income 0.0000 .000 
Interactions With Distance to Train Station 
 Non-Western minority –0.0443 .000 
 Western minority –0.0482 .000 
 Couple –0.0442 .000 
 Couple with children –0.0399 .000 
 Young (<25 years) –0.0836 .000 
 Old (>65 years) –0.0873 .000 
 Household income –0.0010 .000 
Interactions With Distance to Highway Access Lane 
 Non-Western minority 0.0571 .029 
 Western minority –0.0345 .260 
 Couple 0.0564 .013 
 Couple with children 0.0642 .008 
 Young (<25 years) –0.1307 .000 
 Old (>65 years) –0.0311 .314 
 Household income –0.0010 .000 
Interactions With Share of Building Built After 2000 
 Non-Western minority 0.0034 .000 
 Western minority 0.0002 .868 
 Couple 0.0010 .146 
 Couple with children 0.0010 0.128 
 Young (<25 years) 0.0037 0.000 
 Old (>65 years) 0.0041 0.000 
 Household income 0.0001 0.000 
Interactions With Share of Non-Western Minorities 
 Non-Western minority 3.6129 .000 
 Western minority 1.3285 .000 
 Couple 0.4052 .014 
 Couple with children –0.1690 .365 
 Young (<25 years) 0.1190 .304 
 Old (>65 years) –0.6407 .012 
 Household income 0.0113 .000 
Interactions With Share of Western Minorities 
 Non-Western minority 2.8926 .000 
 Western minority 1.9160 .003 
 Couple 1.7145 .004 
 Couple with children 4.8522 .000 
 Young (<25 years) –3.8600 .000 
 Old (>65 years) –1.4014 .190 
 Household income 0.0205 .000 
Interactions With Share of Social Rented Dwellings 
 Non-Western minority 0.0037 .003 
 Western minority –0.0067 .000 
 Couple 0.0007 .554 
 Couple with children 0.0120 .000 
 Young (<25 years) –0.0110 .000 
 Old (>65 years) 0.0078 .000 
 Household income –0.0001 .000 
Interactions With Share of Private Rental Dwellings 
 Non-Western minority 0.0111 .000 
 Western minority –0.0054 .073 
 Couple 0.0050 .029 
 Couple with children 0.0143 .000 
 Young (<25 years) –0.0140 .000 
 Old (>65 years) 0.0202 .000 
 Household income 0.0000 .094 
Interactions With Share of Singles 
 Non-Western minority –0.0004 .868 
 Western minority 0.0131 .000 
 Couple –0.0182 .000 
 Couple with children –0.0371 .000 
 Young (<25 years) 0.0326 .000 
 Old (>65 years) 0.0137 .000 
 Household income –0.0001 .002 
Interactions With Share of Couples 
 Non-Western minority 0.0250 .000 
 Western minority –0.0010 .875 
 Couple 0.0212 .000 
 Couple with children 0.0115 .023 
 Young (<25 years) –0.0504 .000 
 Old (>65 years) 0.0358 .000 
 Household income 0.0002 .000 
Log-Likelihood  –119,218 
Log-Likelihood 0-Model  –127,591 
Likelihood Ratio (chi-square test statistic)  16,747 
Pseudo-R2  .0656 
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