Table 3

Descriptive statistics: Individual characteristics (effects model), N = 13,430

Dependent Variable 
 Ln (income from work) 2013a 7.88 0.650   
Personal Characteristics 
 Moroccan .039  
 Turkish .023  
 Surinamese .022  
 Antillean .010  
 Other non-Western .046  
 Western .093  
 Couple .271  
 Couple with children .200  
 Age 30.82 9.00 15 78 
Dependent Variable 
 Ln (income from work) 2013a 7.88 0.650   
Personal Characteristics 
 Moroccan .039  
 Turkish .023  
 Surinamese .022  
 Antillean .010  
 Other non-Western .046  
 Western .093  
 Couple .271  
 Couple with children .200  
 Age 30.82 9.00 15 78 

aWe are not able to show minimum and maximum incomes because of Statistics Netherlands disclosure restrictions.

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