Table 4

Weighted proportions and means for family biological relatedness by union status: NHIS 1997–2012 (n = 89,435)

Married(n =72)Cohabiting(n = 439)Married(n =153,313)Cohabiting(n =17,960)
Gamma (same-sex)   –0.97 0.98 
Family Relatedness (biological parentage)     
Two biological parents 0*** 0*** 85.4 68.4*** 
One biological parent 76.2*** 79.4*** 13.2 30.9*** 
No biological parents 23.8** 20.6*** 1.3 0.7*** 
Married(n =72)Cohabiting(n = 439)Married(n =153,313)Cohabiting(n =17,960)
Gamma (same-sex)   –0.97 0.98 
Family Relatedness (biological parentage)     
Two biological parents 0*** 0*** 85.4 68.4*** 
One biological parent 76.2*** 79.4*** 13.2 30.9*** 
No biological parents 23.8** 20.6*** 1.3 0.7*** 

Notes: Same-sex married cases embargoed by CDC because of probable assignment errors (2004–2007 second quarter) are excluded. Asterisks indicate significance of t test for difference from the reference group.

**p < .01; ***p < .001

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