Table 2

Cox proportional hazard regressions. Relative hazard of reaching parity 2–5 for marriage cohorts 1870–1900 and 1901–1949 in Sweden, Spain, and the Netherlandsa

VariablesCategoriesParity 2Parity 3Parity 4Parity 5
Socioeconomic Position of the Father at the Time of Marriage (SOCPO) Unskilled workers 
Semiskilled workers 1.08 0.83** 1.03 0.96 1.06 0.91 1.03 0.93 
Skilled workers 0.96 0.83** 1.06 0.89** 0.97 0.89* 0.99 0.95 
Middle class: Farmers 1.00 1.11** 1.12** 1.12** 1.02 1.20** 1.04 1.14** 
Middle class 0.90 0.75** 1.00 0.84** 0.88 0.86** 0.92 0.88 
Elite 0.70** 0.85** 0.87 0.88* 0.88 0.86 1.00 1.08 
No information 0.93 1.07* 0.99 1.03 0.95 0.97 0.98 1.01 
Total Number of Child Deaths at Time t All children alive 
1 deceased child 1.28** 1.48** 1.10* 1.24** 1.09* 1.14** 1.05 1.10* 
2 deceased children   1.21 1.59** 1.17* 1.29** 1.19** 1.42** 
3 or more deceased     1.28 1.30 1.43** 0.89 
Lactation Indicator Month 9–12 After Infant Death No 
Yes 2.27** 2.58** 2.39** 2.63** 2.94** 3.68** 2.70** 3.35** 
Sex Composition of Surviving Children at Time t Mixed — — 
No surviving girls — — 1.06 1.06* 0.97 1.03 0.90* 0.99 
No surviving boys — — 1.11* 1.06 1.01 1.03 1.00 1.14* 
Number of Observations  7,173 24,899 6,803 19,252 6,228 12,927 5,586 8,501 
Chi-Square  147.799 627.296 496.427 2,042.387 319.974 745.650 210.627 281.483 
Prob. > Chi-Square  .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 
VariablesCategoriesParity 2Parity 3Parity 4Parity 5
Socioeconomic Position of the Father at the Time of Marriage (SOCPO) Unskilled workers 
Semiskilled workers 1.08 0.83** 1.03 0.96 1.06 0.91 1.03 0.93 
Skilled workers 0.96 0.83** 1.06 0.89** 0.97 0.89* 0.99 0.95 
Middle class: Farmers 1.00 1.11** 1.12** 1.12** 1.02 1.20** 1.04 1.14** 
Middle class 0.90 0.75** 1.00 0.84** 0.88 0.86** 0.92 0.88 
Elite 0.70** 0.85** 0.87 0.88* 0.88 0.86 1.00 1.08 
No information 0.93 1.07* 0.99 1.03 0.95 0.97 0.98 1.01 
Total Number of Child Deaths at Time t All children alive 
1 deceased child 1.28** 1.48** 1.10* 1.24** 1.09* 1.14** 1.05 1.10* 
2 deceased children   1.21 1.59** 1.17* 1.29** 1.19** 1.42** 
3 or more deceased     1.28 1.30 1.43** 0.89 
Lactation Indicator Month 9–12 After Infant Death No 
Yes 2.27** 2.58** 2.39** 2.63** 2.94** 3.68** 2.70** 3.35** 
Sex Composition of Surviving Children at Time t Mixed — — 
No surviving girls — — 1.06 1.06* 0.97 1.03 0.90* 0.99 
No surviving boys — — 1.11* 1.06 1.01 1.03 1.00 1.14* 
Number of Observations  7,173 24,899 6,803 19,252 6,228 12,927 5,586 8,501 
Chi-Square  147.799 627.296 496.427 2,042.387 319.974 745.650 210.627 281.483 
Prob. > Chi-Square  .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 

Notes: Coefficients are shown in exp(β) form. Models include controls for 10-year marriage cohort, quartiles of birth interval for child 1–2, and country.

aModels are weighted to adjust the different sample sizes in the countries.

p < .10; *p < .05; **p < .01

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