Table VI:

Home District Versus Outside Residency Among Encomienda Holders According to Place of Residence of the Encomenderos (Data Based on Verifiable Residences).

DISTRICTResident Encomenderos With Encomiendas Within Home District
Resident Encomenderos With Encomiendas Outside Home District
Total Number
Lima 25½ 27.7 66½ 72.3 92 
Trujillo 15 93.8 6.2 16 
Huánuco 71.4 28.6 
Chachapoyas 9½ 67.9 4½ 32.1 14 
Huamanga 11½ 79.3 20.7 14½ 
Cuzco 34½ 74.2 12 25.8 46½ 
Arequipa 53.3 46.7 15 
La Plata and La Paz 15 71.4 28.6 21 
Quito 38½ 85.6 6½ 14.4 45 
 Total 162½ 60.0 108½ 40.0 271 
DISTRICTResident Encomenderos With Encomiendas Within Home District
Resident Encomenderos With Encomiendas Outside Home District
Total Number
Lima 25½ 27.7 66½ 72.3 92 
Trujillo 15 93.8 6.2 16 
Huánuco 71.4 28.6 
Chachapoyas 9½ 67.9 4½ 32.1 14 
Huamanga 11½ 79.3 20.7 14½ 
Cuzco 34½ 74.2 12 25.8 46½ 
Arequipa 53.3 46.7 15 
La Plata and La Paz 15 71.4 28.6 21 
Quito 38½ 85.6 6½ 14.4 45 
 Total 162½ 60.0 108½ 40.0 271 
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