Table IV:

Home District Versus Outside Residency Among Encomienda Holders According to Location of Encomiendas (Data Based on Verifiable Residences).

DISTRICTEncomenderos Residing in Home District
Encomenderos Residing Outside Home District
Total Number
Lima 25½ 71.8 10 28.2 35½ 
Trujillo 15 41.1 21½ 58.9 36½ 
Huánuco 30.3 11½ 69.7 16½ 
Chachapoyas 9½ 67.9 4½ 32.1 14 
Huamanga 11½ 57.5 8½ 42.5 20 
Cuzco 34½ 54.3 29 45.7 63½ 
Arequipa 44.4 10 55.6 18 
La Plata 10 55.6 44.4 18 
La Paz 17.5 23½ 82.5 28½ 
Quito 38½ 70.6 16 29.4 54½ 
Total 162½ 53.3 142½ 46.7 305 
DISTRICTEncomenderos Residing in Home District
Encomenderos Residing Outside Home District
Total Number
Lima 25½ 71.8 10 28.2 35½ 
Trujillo 15 41.1 21½ 58.9 36½ 
Huánuco 30.3 11½ 69.7 16½ 
Chachapoyas 9½ 67.9 4½ 32.1 14 
Huamanga 11½ 57.5 8½ 42.5 20 
Cuzco 34½ 54.3 29 45.7 63½ 
Arequipa 44.4 10 55.6 18 
La Plata 10 55.6 44.4 18 
La Paz 17.5 23½ 82.5 28½ 
Quito 38½ 70.6 16 29.4 54½ 
Total 162½ 53.3 142½ 46.7 305 
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