Tenure formTotal number of farmsCultivated area (acres)Percentage of total numberPercentage of total cultivated area
White owners 3,855 76,155 17.9 37.3 
White renters 7,633 62,465 35.4 30.6 
Colored owners 2,411 17,970 11.2 8.8 
Colored renters 6,372 35,007 29.6 17.2 
Other 1,279 12,317 5.9 6.1 
Total 21,550 203,914 100.0 100.0 
Tenure formTotal number of farmsCultivated area (acres)Percentage of total numberPercentage of total cultivated area
White owners 3,855 76,155 17.9 37.3 
White renters 7,633 62,465 35.4 30.6 
Colored owners 2,411 17,970 11.2 8.8 
Colored renters 6,372 35,007 29.6 17.2 
Other 1,279 12,317 5.9 6.1 
Total 21,550 203,914 100.0 100.0 
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