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Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2010) 56 (3): 396–404.
Published: 01 September 2010
...Peter McDonald Our Secret Discipline: Yeats and Lyric Form , by Vendler Helen , Oxford : Oxford University Press , 2007 . 428 pages. Copyright © Hofstra University 2010 Peter McDonald Reviews Hearing the “Whoosh”: Listening to Yeats’s Lyrics Our Secret Discipline...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2007) 53 (1): 1–22.
Published: 01 March 2007
... with the microphone, voices catch and tremble, a siren wails as Helen Vendler reads George Herbert. But more pertinent to Bishop’s reception are the hymns, the readings of poetry, and the commentary on her work and personality. In the following pages I will argue first that the content...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2021) 67 (1): 57–74.
Published: 01 March 2021
... of furniture chosen by Helen Vendler, a Harvard colleague, friend, and powerful champion of both Heaney and Bishop. Bishop’s influence is consistent with a pattern in which Heaney becomes utterly consumed with the work of another writer to whom he dedicates poems and essays that highlight the debt of his...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2013) 59 (3): 385–413.
Published: 01 September 2013
... speech”? Is it a noble acceptance? An admission of visionary impotence? A chilling movement of the sublime? All of these? Helen Vendler attempts to map these ambiguities in a recent reading of Stevens’s late work, which appears in her lecture series Last Books, Last Looks (2010). After...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2017) 63 (4): 405–426.
Published: 01 December 2017
... that the book robbed Bishop of her agency as an artist, which had been expressed over the course of her lifetime in those very omissions. For this reason, critics such as Helen Vendler believe the posthumous publication of Bishop’s poems robbed the poet of the intellectual, prosodic, and linguistic “finish...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2002) 48 (2): 150–173.
Published: 01 June 2002
...: a “miraculous mandarin” (Simic 6), a “Mozartian” love poet (Vendler, “Ardor” 101), a “magician” (Fraser 3), and so richly gifted that he seemed “extraterrestrial” (Allison Lurie qtd. in Mendelsohn 16). But the reviewers were also struck by how autobiographical his poetry is when seen as a whole...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2013) 59 (4): 539–574.
Published: 01 December 2013
... equivalent for the quickness of the senses and the spirit even as the deathly dissolution of the body becomes certain,” Helen Vendler emphasizes the undiminished wit that marks A Scattering of Salts (1995) as the poet grapples with the wrenching disharmony between his body’s exhaustion and his mind’s...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2022) 68 (3): 295–322.
Published: 01 September 2022
... of humankind” ( [1957] 2014 : 339) 19 and Vendler’s “the voice of the soul,” circumventing questions of identity by focusing on the structure of address itself. As Tucker shows, there is a long tradition of works that, interpolating lyric voicing with individual specificity, themselves confuse textual...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2004) 50 (3): 239–267.
Published: 01 September 2004
... long been a form of innocence in Merrill’s poetry, the recurrence of love a “triumph of hope over experi­ ence” (Vendler 46), but AIDS shadows eras with illness and death. In the 1990s homosexuality no longer represented, as it did in the 1950s, “the worst iniquity,” in Merrill’s words...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2012) 58 (1): 90–116.
Published: 01 March 2012
... de- sired freedom, Dove’s “I” consists in a restless mobility, a movement both intentional and contingent. 92 Rita Dove’s Poetic Expeditions In her deliberately unfashionable introduction to her 1995 collec- tion of essays, Soul Says, Helen Vendler asserts that the lyric “I” tran...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2009) 55 (3): 322–356.
Published: 01 September 2009
... writing and its products (Vendler) or as a “nightmare” account of the failure of an ordering imagination (Kalstone 61). Nor can we view the liberation of language from “the artist’s will” in the story as primarily a “threatening independence” for Bishop (Parker 63).8 In fact, the story suggests...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2018) 64 (4): 387–412.
Published: 01 December 2018
... figures and the chatty tone and subject matter of verse steeped in “gossip from the beyond” ( Pettingell [1978] 1994 : 159) and “social chitchat” ( Vendler 1980 : 213), largely agreeing that “gossip and ritualized information form much of the poem’s surface” ( Molesworth 1980 : 174). Yet responses...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2022) 68 (4): 365–388.
Published: 01 December 2022
... about it are those of Jahan Ramazani (1993) , Helen Vendler (2010) , and Maggie Nelson (2012) . 20 In Sylvia Plath and the Theatre of Mourning (1999) , Christina Britzolakis similarly points out the relative inadequacy of Harold Bloom’s “anxiety of influence” hypothesis when it comes...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2006) 52 (2): 241–247.
Published: 01 June 2006
... with temporality, and Costello observes that this preoccupation is also in tension with “the work of lyric” as such, as it has been theorized by Bloom, Helen Vendler, and Timothy Bahti, among others. Frost assists 243 Jane Hedley Costello to broach the question of time’s entanglement with the spaces...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2019) 65 (4): 393–410.
Published: 01 December 2019
..., it offers a complex inquiry into self, society, and community. The best of Rich’s early poems, Helen Vendler (1980 : 246) writes, focus on “homelessness, with its accompanying ache of filial nostalgia,” a condition Rich often poses as one of exile, both literally (to examine the interior life...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2000) 46 (3): 269–284.
Published: 01 September 2000
... an irreversible disaster, hence the return of a destructive force beyond human control (Colum iii). On the other hand, the ghosts that later appear in Station Island seem more intent on advice and remonstration (Vendler 94—98). 4 By the time he gets to lecture 8, Austin has defined his more familiar...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2002) 48 (2): 174–190.
Published: 01 June 2002
... of the swineherd Eumaios that Helen “cut the legs from under troops of men” (Odyssey 14.80-81). 6. Helen Vendler has spoken of Yeats’s “Irishing” of the English sonnet (“Son­ nets “At the Abbey Theatre,” written when the poet was 47 years old, was his first Shakespearean sonnet. But even there the poem...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2005) 51 (2): 179–209.
Published: 01 June 2005
..., and their objects” (Different Person 141), but gradually he became less concerned about concealing his sexuality. His greater frankness was clear in Nights and Days (1966), in poems such as “The Thousand and Second Night” and “Days of 1964.” When Helen Vendler’s NewYorkTimes review of Brav­ ing...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2019) 65 (3): 217–236.
Published: 01 September 2019
... to life again. Stevens is interested, in other words, in the emotional experience, the perhaps universal experience—but for him, and for the reader he imagines, the white experience—of being a human as well as an object. Describing his poems as “like decorations in a nigger cemetery” (quoted in Vendler...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2014) 60 (1): 111–118.
Published: 01 March 2014
... “keen intellect,” but its plumage is spectacularly beautiful. Long ago, Helen Vendler insisted on the note of austerity rather than of gaudiness and profusion as sounding Stevens at his truest, and I’m not trying belatedly to reverse her judgement. For the fact is that gaudiness...