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Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2024) 70 (3): 213–238.
Published: 01 September 2024
... universalism, based on patterns of likeness and relationality. Moreover, by appreciating the ways this discourse fails—as evidenced in the many textual contradictions and inconsistencies of Dust Tracks —we gain a fuller sense of a process in which universalist ideals bear the marks of Hurston’s personal...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2012) 58 (2): 213–237.
Published: 01 June 2012
... of Progressive-era reforms in order to articulate how servants supplement representations of modern female interiority and relationality. Rather than privileging a psychoana- lytic framework, I explore how psychosocial configurations in Wharton’s texts both invoke and contain the feminized labor conflicts...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2018) 64 (3): 295–316.
Published: 01 September 2018
... witness to. The easy relationality she finds as a child in Eatonville changes here into something more vexed. Whereas Hurston experiences holding the national stage as stimulating, her white spectators seeking refuge from her ongoing presence in their private residences remain haunted by “brown specters...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2011) 57 (3-4): 328–340.
Published: 01 December 2011
... gives way to a planetary relationality. Moraru sees the “cosmodern imaginary” (2, 8) as the extension across cultures of the ethical and relational impetus in much recent philosophy, theory, and imaginative literature; it is relationality on a global scale. With the fall of the Berlin wall...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2011) 57 (2): 180–198.
Published: 01 June 2011
..., and Michael Snediker have argued, queer theory in recent years has swerved away from its transformative ambitions and be- come mired, glumly, in an “anti-social thesis” that looks skeptically upon relationality, futurity, and temporality.3 Lee Edelman’s No Future is the most prominent piece...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2001) 47 (2): 169–196.
Published: 01 June 2001
... resist power without questioning the very terms of relationality, com­ munity, and sociality that the culture of redemption ordains. As Kaja Sil­ verman tells Bersani in a recent interview: You valorize the moment of dissolution or “shattering” because you cannot imagine...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2020) 66 (3): 283–304.
Published: 01 September 2020
... that structure the world. Woolf ’s version of modernism is premised on an encounter with relationality, with openness to identification within the everyday social realm. Though my discussion has emphasized impersonality and the search for form, I concur with Jessica Berman (2004 : 159) that, in Woolf...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2024) 70 (3): 315–320.
Published: 01 September 2024
.... Beckett says that Van Velde has no relationality, by which he means, as Bewes explains, that “he paints not out of a sense of its absence but out of its absence” (252). The object of Van Velde’s postfictional art cannot be directly expressed, since it operates outside the economy of expressive relations...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2015) 61 (3): 411–416.
Published: 01 September 2015
... and other modernists, was neither a form of ironic distance nor the desire to separate one’s fixed identity and personal boundaries from external relations and interactions. Rather, Eliot’s notion of impersonality is much more closely aligned with Bergsonian vitalism and as such “is a form of relationality...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2023) 69 (1): 1–28.
Published: 01 March 2023
... with which one falls in and out of group identities premised on “pure relationality.” In Bersani’s account, pure relationality resolves the “problematic nature of groups that must at once curb and serve individuality” in that the pleasure of association remains “intransitive” (48), like a verb without...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2018) 64 (1): 120–127.
Published: 01 March 2018
... ), cosmodernism, a “form of modernism in which modernity’s imperialist rationality gives way to a planetary relationality ” (65), or “post-postmodernism” (66), McHale descries a shift from the “dualistic or Manichean world-view of the Cold War” to a “vision of multipolarity, or even a polarity.” McHale’s...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2023) 69 (1): 83–104.
Published: 01 March 2023
...) is defined as an outward manifestation of a person’s high capacity for feeling, relationality, and attachment— not , as the DSM has it, as dysphoria.” Works Cited Aizura Aren Z. Cotten Trystan LaGata Carsten Balzer/Carla Ochoa Marcia Vidal-Ortiz Salvador . 2014...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2016) 62 (1): 75–95.
Published: 01 March 2016
... that the subject can enter into relationality: “For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you.” Seen in dialogue with “Song of Myself,” Prufrock’s sparing use of the object pronouns “me” and “us” throughout his song thus indicates the extent of his disconnectedness from the objective world, and his...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2011) 57 (3-4): 380–390.
Published: 01 December 2011
... that astrophysicists, geolo- gists, or paleontologists are talking about when they discuss the age of the universe?” (9). The intensity of his impatience with what he calls “cor- 384 The New Cultural Geology relationism” (5) is palpable, and characteristic of the new cultural geology in general. Since...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2019) 65 (1-2): 43–70.
Published: 01 March 2019
... ). The focus on the global ( Gille 2010 ; Suchland 2011 ; Tulbure 2007 ) and transnational ( Rogers 2010 ; Marciniak, Imre, and O’Healy 2007 ) dimensions of studying postsocialism has opened up another promising line of research. Such approaches demand critical relationality and comparative frameworks...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2021) 67 (2): 163–190.
Published: 01 June 2021
... of sexual subjectivity and relationality, its cost of being unable to participate in the world of human others is steep. In contrast to O’Connor’s conversational exploration of how his personality is shaped by impersonal affects, her impersonality amounts to self-extinction. Partly for this reason, Robin’s...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2021) 67 (4): 359–384.
Published: 01 December 2021
... : 170), Helga’s permeability warns against a relationality so intense it swallows the self entirely. Helga’s wrong feeling, then, does not merely entrap her in a cycle of desire and punishment; it makes her complicit in that cycle. As a result, she often seems to wound herself. Consider...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2022) 68 (3): 323–352.
Published: 01 September 2022
... (2014 : 9) argues that for Coetzee the concept of style can be defined as “form understood relationally,” but Coetzee’s complex account of literary relationality is fundamentally temporal rather than spatial. This is the key to Coetzee’s later poetics of embeddedness. Indeed, Coetzee’s understanding...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2023) 69 (4): 405–436.
Published: 01 December 2023
... by the preposition “in.” With the decisive role it accords prepositions, the definition of care here underscores that for Heidegger Dasein is prepositionally . That is to say, Dasein exists not as a metaphysical substance or unified ego but as an embodiment of temporal and spatial relationality, a being oriented...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2014) 60 (3): 305–335.
Published: 01 September 2014
..., and if thinking about intimacy teaches us anything it is that such boundaries are only ever relationally and precariously constituted. 313 Julie Taylor The ostentatiously circumlocutory phrasing in this poem also suggests intimacy as necessarily excessive and discoloring, as corrupting meaning...