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Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2019) 65 (4): 473–479.
Published: 01 December 2019
...Clint Wilson, III The Modernist Corpse: Posthumanism and the Posthumous , by Edwards Erin E. . Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press , 2018 . 240 pages. Copyright © 2019 Hofstra University 2019 The coda to Erin E. Edwards’s The Modernist Corpse cites Gertrude Stein’s...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2003) 49 (2): 193–218.
Published: 01 June 2003
...Shannon McRae Copyright © Hofstra University 2003 Glowed into Words ’ ’: Vivien Eliot, Philomela, and the Poet’s Tortured Corpse Shannon M cRae ./Vfter he finished the poem that irrevocably transformed twentieth- century poetry, T. S. Eliot set about rewriting himself...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2017) 63 (3): 359–364.
Published: 01 September 2017
...Paul K. Saint-Amour In a Strange Room: Modernism’s Corpses and Mortal Obligation , by Sherman David . Oxford University Press , 2014 . 273 pages. Copyright © 2017 Hofstra University 2017 What is the power of a corpse to make the room that contains it strange? What ethical...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2013) 59 (3): 414–440.
Published: 01 September 2013
...Ian Scott Todd © 2015 by Hofstra University 2013 Ian Scott Todd Editing Corpses in Evelyn Waugh’s Hollywood Ian Scott Todd The origins of Evelyn Waugh’s novel The Loved One (1948) are well known. Having traveled (reluctantly) to Hollywood in February 1947 to discuss a film...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2020) 66 (1): 37–58.
Published: 01 March 2020
... by the experience of a beloved’s body. Douglas’s poetry arrives at the balancing of cynic and lyric, then, by confusing and conflating these special gnostic conditions, and its resonant image is the battlefield corpse conflated with the lover in repose. Works Cited Auden W. H. 1979 . Selected Poetry...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2021) 67 (3): 269–292.
Published: 01 September 2021
... Owen’s (1965 : 48) “Exposure,” the trenches appear as a dull canal, with mice and iced over corpses that, with “half-known faces,” cannot be buried in the frozen earth; amid these corpses the soldier is left to wait, if not for salvation, at least for some reprieve from the suffering and indignity of his...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2003) 49 (2): 131–163.
Published: 01 June 2003
... with the exotic at this crucial juncture. While she is left to watch John Baines, the rest of the family visits an elephant belonging to Wombwell’s Menagerie that has gone mad and been shot by the town’s rifle corps. John Baines’s death appears as much a consequence of an enthusiasm for the exotic corpse...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2016) 62 (2): 240–245.
Published: 01 June 2016
... is nicely captured by narrating the evolving interpretation of the iconic photograph of a well-dressed child walking down a country path in Germany, averting his gaze from the (probably Jewish) corpses strewn on the side of the road. One thinks that the opposition is between the Jews (destroyed...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2010) 56 (2): 196–220.
Published: 01 June 2010
...), where Himmler declares: “Most of you know what it means to see a hundred corpses lie side by side, or five hundred, or a thousand. To have stuck this out, and—excepting cases of human weakness—to have kept our integrity, that is what has made us hard.” In this fascistic sublime, the Nazi...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2010) 56 (2): 221–244.
Published: 01 June 2010
... terrorize the remaining communities, “leaving a corpse on the pavement across the street . . . smashed windows, looted shops, the remains of bonfires” (20). Read in light of David Har- vey’s account of postmodernity, in which the “sharp recession of 1973” inaugurates “a period of economic...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2017) 63 (3): 239–266.
Published: 01 September 2017
.... Indeed, the split between body and consciousness is a pervasive problem for Slesinger’s anti-sentimentalists (both modern and radical) and paradigmatic of what it means to be unpossessed. Through the figurative prevalence of impersons—mannequins, dolls, puppets, marionettes, statues, ghosts, and corpses...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2014) 60 (3): 405–413.
Published: 01 September 2014
... corpse of a two-thousand-year-old sacrificial victim, “The Grauballe Man” “runs wild” with figurative language and sonic materiality that aestheticizes the image of the ancient corpse; yet, “by virtue of not being overtly about the victims of the IRA or the UVG . . . the poem all the more...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2018) 64 (4): 483–503.
Published: 01 December 2018
... poem repeats this process. Here, Delbo lists the beautiful features of her dead companions, again emphasizing how, in the attempt to commemorate the victims, the corpses are transfigured, returned to a pre-traumatic moment. As this list of beautiful dead women harks back to the decadent fascination...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2023) 69 (4): 405–436.
Published: 01 December 2023
... of word that is its name persists beyond the human being’s death like a corpse, no longer the person but also not quite mere material—no longer a living being but somehow still persisting as a spectral presence. This is the situation of care in The Most High . 14 In different ways...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2003) 49 (3): 298–327.
Published: 01 September 2003
... association of sex and death with money is again revealing. Jews “cant die’; they “pullulate” and “copulate” and make money while their flesh dries corpse-like on their bones. What Woolf’s associative thought process from sex to death to money reveals is the danger of that which is capable...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2013) 59 (1): 79–103.
Published: 01 March 2013
... convert earth into a hell” (24). Razumov concedes, “The corpse hanging round his neck would be nearly as fatal as the living man. Nothing short of complete annihilation would do. And that was impossible.” This leads to the question, “What then? Must one kill oneself to escape this visitation...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2015) 61 (4): 436–459.
Published: 01 December 2015
... . “ Elizabeth Bishop’s Impersonal Personal .” American Literary History 15 , no. 2 : 334 – 366 . De Fren Allison . (2008) 2015 . The Exquisite Corpse: Disarticulations of the Female . PhD diss., University of Southern California . Ellis Jonathan . 2006 . Art and Memory in the Work...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2019) 65 (1-2): 43–70.
Published: 01 March 2019
... psychology student at the University of Arkansas who is engaged in a series of dialogues with his inveterate communist grandfather, for whom he buys the five-dollar refrigerated corpse of Lenin on eBay, in a tongue-in-cheek reference to Lenin’s embalmed body that was exhibited in the Red Square mausoleum...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2016) 62 (4): 448–454.
Published: 01 December 2016
... [the theatrical scene] pertained to the sudden metamorphoses that the twentieth-century battlefield had made routine: transformations of a scene of waiting into one of panic, of towns into ruins or upright men into shattered corpses” (254). These transformations stand at the affective heart of Saint-Amour’s...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2006) 52 (4): 482–488.
Published: 01 December 2006
... the physical body to human subjectivity. Thus, Kepesh must perceive himself as a feminine object made known by a derisive male consciousness. Following Kristeva, Shostak suggests that “when desire erases the subject into an object,” it makes “the body a corpse, the epitome of lack” (37...