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Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2023) 69 (2): 203–224.
Published: 01 June 2023
...Andrew Strombeck This article reads Don DeLillo’s Underworld (1997) as scrutinizing the relationship between art and deskilled labor in the period from 1973 through 1997. Examining a relatively understudied set of chapters set in the 1970s, it considers them in the context of theoretical work...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2015) 61 (2): 232–263.
Published: 01 June 2015
... second chapter, and the placement of Gurnah’s character, Kalasinga, as a Naipaul figure within the novel’s action. Gurnah’s novelistic play dramatizes the tension and concordance between his own generation’s and Naipaul’s postcolonial articulations. 43 It’s not hard to speculate that Gurnah is more...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2016) 62 (1): 110–117.
Published: 01 March 2016
... and Brett C. Millier’s 1998 revision of The Columbia History of American Poetry , which at a mere thirty-one chapters does not cover as much ground), and most of those that do tend to dismiss the poetry of some groups or eras, treating certain bodies of work as quaint cultural artifacts (the Fireside...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2011) 57 (1): 132–139.
Published: 01 March 2011
... the better part of his introduction and Chapter One explaining this formation. The “how” of contextual practice is the easiest to grasp, for “contextual practice involved drawing together discarded or unremarked fragments (whether visual or verbal) from daily life.” In this way it was related...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2015) 61 (2): 280–286.
Published: 01 June 2015
... skepticism toward grand, universal narratives of environmental change and enables her to deal with the very different books to which she turns her gaze. Ecosickness contains chapters on David Wojnarowicz and Jan Zita Grover, Richard Powers, David Foster Wallace, and Marge Piercy and Leslie Marmon Silko...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2002) 48 (4): 427–460.
Published: 01 December 2002
... utterer, cas­ tigates Our Ford, and ridicules the brave new world. Despite the D.H.C.’s piety, all is not “right” in the World State. The opening pages of chapter 3 switch back and forth from Mond’s impromptu history lesson to Len- Twentieth-Century Literature 48.4 Winter 2002 427 Jerome...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2005) 51 (4): 495–503.
Published: 01 December 2005
... to Woolf, one of Southworth’s achievements is to suggest ways in which Colette’s work radically extends Woolf’s feminist project announced in A Room of One’s Own. Laying the foundation for the rest of the book, chapter 1 traces the complex social network of women in England and France...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2011) 57 (1): 114–122.
Published: 01 March 2011
.... Adams discusses an array of literary and cultural contexts that in some way span or transgress traditional national borders. These contexts include indigenous contestations of national boundary lines and the regional imaginary of key Native writers in the US and Canada (Chapter One...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2014) 60 (3): 414–422.
Published: 01 September 2014
... and slowed before it is even properly advanced. This dissonance can be resolved by imagining pragmatic grounds: decorum, or established protocols, or even self-protection. Such considerations will enter, obliquely and intermittently, in the chapters that follow, but I am primarily...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2016) 62 (2): 223–230.
Published: 01 June 2016
... is divided into six well-ordered chapters that make its discussion of Caribbean spaces and identities accessible to both scholars of the region and those who may be engaging with it for the first time. After an introduction stating the text’s argument, goals, and methodologies, the first chapter offers one...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2017) 63 (1): 107–114.
Published: 01 March 2017
.... Between Two Fires attempts to show how poetry “was transformed in the process” (25) and by the circumstances of its own movement during the conflict. “Translations of the Other World” (chapter 2) concentrates on The Fifth Season: An Anthology of American Radical Poetry (1959), edited and translated...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2024) 70 (2): 199–204.
Published: 01 June 2024
... by a Leftist press called Masses and Mainstream (47). The chapter ends with what Fernandez suggests is a shift away from New York City as the primary epicenter of Black and Latinx work. With the emergence of ethnic studies programs in universities nationwide, the calculus of literary prestige changes...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2014) 60 (1): 119–127.
Published: 01 March 2014
..., but a book that documents Kamau Brathwaite’s debt to Leavisite thinking merits the mangled proverb. The Leavis chapter exemplifies the genealogical impulse governing Kalliney’s study: Commonwealth of Letters resembles Lawrence Rainey’s Institutions of Modernism (1998), and Kalliney acknowledges his...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2012) 58 (3): 524–531.
Published: 01 September 2012
... line of Jonathan Greenberg’s chapter “Laughter and Fear in A Handful of Dust” is one of my favorites: “In Evelyn Waugh’s universe, life is nasty, British, and short” (70). Of course anyone writing about Waugh, Stella Gibbons, Nathanael West, Djuna Barnes or the other modernist sati- rists whom...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2015) 61 (4): 528–534.
Published: 01 December 2015
... at the same time. Chapter 1, “The Globalization of the Novel and the Novelization of the Global,” uses works by the famous French writer Jules Verne and the less well-known Argentine novelist Eduardo Holmberg to explore two modes of understanding world literature. In one mode, we can approach works...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2013) 59 (3): 504–512.
Published: 01 September 2013
... arts, a question of value that is at stake throughout Graham’s study. Graham’s opening chapter, “Musical Literature, its Theory and Practice,” provides the text’s most extensive theoretical, historical, and methodological overview. Beginning with Walter Pater’s assertion in “The School...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2020) 66 (3): 392–401.
Published: 01 September 2020
...Damien Keane The back-to-back chapters on Woolf and Joyce revolve around the ethical relations of individual subjectivity and shared belonging. Calling Woolf “a perfect case study for the modernist tendency to aestheticize real-world sound” (69), Frattarola contends that the author’s frequent...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2024) 70 (3): 213–238.
Published: 01 September 2024
... to the manuscript after the attack on Pearl Harbor, in December 1941, and before publication. Most notably, among the chapters Hurston was told by her publisher to remove was “Seeing the World as It Is,” because its criticisms of American foreign policy would have sounded unpatriotic, and politically suspicious...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2014) 60 (1): 128–136.
Published: 01 March 2014
... requires LeMahieu to develop a task-specific form of literary reading, elaborated in his first chapter through an account of the “negative” structural rhetoric of Wittgenstein’s Tractatus. Against the scientistic caricature of the Tractatus circulated by early objectors like Adorno and perpetuated...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2018) 64 (4): 518–526.
Published: 01 December 2018
...” (2), the introduction and first two chapters offer an illuminating history of the cultural and political difficulties comics has faced in the struggle for legitimacy, many of which stemmed from early critiques by Sterling North, Frederic Wertham, and Leslie Fiedler. Wertham’s Seduction...