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Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2012) 58 (4): 606–639.
Published: 01 December 2012
...Raphael Allison Copyright © Hofstra University 2012 Raphael Allison Robert Frost, Live: Authenticity and Performance in the Audio Archive Raphael Allison But all the fun’s in how you say a thing. —Robert Frost...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2010) 56 (3): 287–317.
Published: 01 September 2010
...Shannon Herbert Copyright © Hofstra University 2010 Playing the Historical Record: DeLillo’s Libra and the Kennedy Archive Playing the Historical Record: DeLillo’s Libra and the Kennedy Archive Shannon Herbert The detective novel is the only novel truly invented in the twen...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2021) 67 (4): 407–430.
Published: 01 December 2021
...Allison Fagan This essay considers Arturo Islas’s posthumously published novel, La Mollie and the King of Tears (1996), arguing that an examination of its “archival remains”—its drafted and rejected material found in Islas’s archive—offers compelling evidence of the text’s anxious resistances...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2010) 56 (1): 107–115.
Published: 01 March 2010
... : Rodopi , 2006 . 391 pages. Review What Is Beckett’s Poetics of Ignorance? Accommodating New Archival Evidence Notes Divers Holo. Catalogues of Beckett’s Reading Notes and Other Manuscripts at Trinity College Dublin, with Supporting Essays edited by Matthijs Engelberts and Everett Frost...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2018) 64 (2): 129–160.
Published: 01 June 2018
... to the rule of law or by a more skeptical relationship to legal authority. The Middle of the Journey explores this question through debates about the Moscow Trials, Herman Melville’s Billy Budd , and a controversial local crime. Drawing on archival research, the author argues that Trilling sought to depict...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2023) 69 (3): 329–362.
Published: 01 September 2023
...Christopher Conti Efforts to unravel the strands of philosophy and literature in Samuel Beckett’s work have marked each phase of its critical reception. While the archival turn in scholarship has shed valuable light on Beckett’s debts to philosophy, it has also exposed the rift between...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2024) 70 (3): 285–314.
Published: 01 September 2024
...Jonathan Cranfield How did the rise of cinema affect authorship in Britain? This essay examines the question in relation to both new and established writers. Referring to manuals of authorship and fiction writing as well as to the archives of the Society of Authors, it places the rise of cinema...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2016) 62 (2): 145–169.
Published: 01 June 2016
...Jeffrey Severs Drawing on archival sources, I argue that the 1962 Seattle World’s Fair (also known as Century 21) was an important source for Thomas Pynchon’s surreal depictions of the Raketen-Stadt in Gravity’s Rainbow . Accounts of the influence of Seattle on Pynchon have been limited to his work...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2020) 66 (4): 431–462.
Published: 01 December 2020
... Quartets , The Family Reunion , and other works. This article surveys the contents of the long-awaited Eliot letters archived at Princeton University, focusing on Hale’s role in the poet’s personal and imaginative life. In addition to clarifying long-standing questions about their relationship, from...
Published: 01 June 2023
Figure 1 May Howard Jackson, Jean Toomer (1921). Photograph by Laura Lorhan. Courtesy of Virginia State University Special Collections and Archives. More
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2014) 60 (1): 128–136.
Published: 01 March 2014
... fiction, from Flannery O’Connor’s “Good Country People” (1955) to a swan song in Don DeLillo’s End Zone (1972). Dense with both archival research and philosophical exegesis, LeMahieu’s project is narrowly conceived in all the best and some of the less appealing senses of the term. An unnecessary...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2018) 64 (2): 265–272.
Published: 01 June 2018
... of Ordnance’s survey, a project to map all of Ireland that also involved the archiving of local oral histories, receives relatively frequent scholarly attention, typically as an example of British imperial hegemony and surveillance. As Parsons demonstrates, however, there was much more to it than that. Insofar...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2003) 49 (2): 164–192.
Published: 01 June 2003
... of cartographic repre­ sentation to Ulysses? In his remapping of Dublin on 16 June 1904, does Joyce reproduce the discourses of cartographic power that fixed Ireland as a static body of knowledge in the British imperial archive? Or does Ulysses, as critics such as Enda Duffy, Vincent Cheng, and Emer Nolan...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2011) 57 (1): 114–122.
Published: 01 March 2011
... for economic and political domination of the continent. Well aware of these historical and political genealogies, Rachel Adams has taken up the baton of comparative American Studies in a lucid and elegant new book. Offering a valuable corrective to some of the already- solidifying archives...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2007) 53 (1): 79–87.
Published: 01 March 2007
..., with the slightness of her literary output testifying to her unerring ability to distinguish between the finished and unfinished work. As anyone who has visited the Bishop archive at theVassar College Library knows, however, the material deemed unfinished is both plentiful and fascinating...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2020) 66 (2): 163–184.
Published: 01 June 2020
... is often dismissed as the waste products of history. The Loss of El Dorado is Naipaul’s only piece of nonfiction bearing the subtitle “A History.” The author spent two years in libraries and archives researching the history of Spanish and British rule in Trinidad. Yet if one opened the book...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2017) 63 (4): 377–384.
Published: 01 December 2017
... about tradition, textuality, and evaluation his introduction raises. They also had a powerful new lens through which to read Moore: the archive of her papers at the Rosenbach Museum and Library in Philadelphia. Moore’s papers arrived at the Rosenbach in 1969. Patricia Willis was the first...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2016) 62 (4): 448–454.
Published: 01 December 2016
... are not reading linearly from beginning to end, makes for a jarring and difficult reading experience. Chapter Three, “Fantasias of the Archive,” for instance, begins with a discussion of Le Guin’s 1963 short story “The Masters” under the rubric “Nuclear Fantasia, First Type,” then moves to a “Nuclear Fantasia...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2013) 59 (4): 619–656.
Published: 01 December 2013
... on the expectations of receiving institutions, especially Harvard. The archives of Smith Academy include a piece of ephemera entitled “Recent Changes in the Requirements for Admission to Harvard College,” a document that specifies exact texts and editions for various subjects and indicates what portions...
Journal Article
Twentieth-Century Literature (2017) 63 (4): 507–512.
Published: 01 December 2017
... by a commuting character’s subway ride to work. A particular emphasis of the book, and one of its most significant contributions to the current field of Auden scholarship, is a new and energetic attention to Auden’s archives, including texts and manuscripts that haven’t been much studied or even seen before...