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Journal Article
TSQ (2021) 8 (2): 172–187.
Published: 01 May 2021
...C. Libby Abstract This article investigates how twentieth-century historians' reliance on pathologizing discourses about transvestism produced the distorted historical account of the premodern “transvestite saint.” The essay begins with a critical historiography aimed at unraveling the intertwined...
Journal Article
TSQ (2022) 9 (3): 524–534.
Published: 01 August 2022
... by historians through a cissexist framework as examples of “strategic transvestism,” a category that suggests that masculine “transvestism” was employed as a ruse to gain upward social mobility. 1 We attend instead to these subjects' narratives, histories, and first-person accounts, suggesting that, rather...
Journal Article
TSQ (2021) 8 (4): 557–558.
Published: 01 November 2021
... speak here with the transvestite Samantha Hudson, an emerging singer, performer, and artist in the underground transvestite scene in Spain, about the trans-exclusionary discourse that exiles trans femininity and transvestism from the analyses around compulsory femininity, ignoring the naturalizing...
Journal Article
TSQ (2020) 7 (1): 56–76.
Published: 01 February 2020
... situations of stress, unpredictability, or a confrontation with what may be viewed as disruptive or abject (A. Freud [1936] 1993 ). Therefore unexpectedly, many of the perverse apparatuses that have been traditionally attributed to transgender people, such as a fetishistic looking away in transvestism...
Journal Article
TSQ (2014) 1 (3): 368–386.
Published: 01 August 2014
... : Duke University Press . Lukianowicz N. 1959 . “ Survey of Various Aspects of Transvestism in the Light of our Present Knowledge .” Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 128 , no. 1 : 36 – 64 . MacDonald Arthur . 1906 . “ A Sadistic Murder .” Medico-Legal Journal 24...
Journal Article
TSQ (2021) 8 (4): 417–425.
Published: 01 November 2021
... support and legitimation of a marginalized community.” With this issue, and the accounts of transsexuality and transvestism that it showcases, we hope to inspire the desire to toss aside the “umbrella” of trans and transgender, instead encouraging trans studies to pivot toward more specific...
Journal Article
TSQ (2014) 1 (1-2): 205–207.
Published: 01 May 2014
... of large research universities like Johns Hopkins and Stanford in the 1950s and 1960s. The desire for surgery not only became a definitive characteristic of transsexuality, distinguishing it from other so-called disorders like cross-dressing, transvestism, and homosexuality. But it was also narrowly...
Journal Article
TSQ (2014) 1 (1-2): 259–261.
Published: 01 May 2014
..., this model consisted of a hand-drawn umbrella with an open canopy stretched over a now dated set of terms: “crossdresser (‘drag’),” “transvestic fetishist,” “transvestite,” “transgenderist,” “transsexual,” and “man/woman.” As the product of classificatory imaginaries produced by “trans-101” trainers...
Journal Article
TSQ (2018) 5 (4): 621–637.
Published: 01 November 2018
... 373 (which criminalized “affronts to decency” and was used to penalize transvestism and street prostitution) were also in effect. It is important to note that these articles were applied before, during, and after the dictatorial period—consensual sex between two same-sex adults was not decriminalized...
Journal Article
TSQ (2014) 1 (1-2): 65–67.
Published: 01 May 2014
... Manual , transvestic disorder applies to a heterosexual male who receives erotic stimulation from wearing women's clothing. However, cross-dresser , the preferred term, requires for its existence a set of very strong institutional precepts the violation of which must be societally condemnable. ...
Journal Article
TSQ (2014) 1 (1-2): 42–45.
Published: 01 May 2014
... C. , Green R. , and Hines M. . 2006 . “ Estrogen Treatment Effects on Cognition, Memory, and Mood in Male-to-Female Transsexuals .” Hormones and Behavior 50 , no. 5 : 708 – 17 . Prince C. V. 2005 . “ Homosexuality, Transvestism, and Transsexuality: Reflections...
Journal Article
TSQ (2014) 1 (1-2): 237–241.
Published: 01 May 2014
... Fountain-Stokes Lawrence . 2009 . Queer Ricans: Cultures and Sexualities in the Diaspora . Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press . La Fountain-Stokes Lawrence . 2011 . “ Translocas: Migration, Homosexuality, and Transvestism in Recent Puerto Rican Performance .” e-misférica 8...
Journal Article
TSQ (2014) 1 (1-2): 77–81.
Published: 01 May 2014
... of “disability” in section 12102(2) of this title, homosexuality and bisexuality are not impairments and as such are not disabilities under this chapter. (b) Certain conditions Under this chapter, the term “disability” shall not include (1) transvestism, transsexualism, pedophilia, exhibitionism, voyeurism...
Journal Article
TSQ (2021) 8 (4): 462–480.
Published: 01 November 2021
... of them easily develop ideas of persecution.” 28 In a letter to Kinsey himself, Benjamin said simply, “Those T.V. cases of mine (transvestism, not television) are a damned nuisance most of the time.” 29 Trans people thus wound up on a circular path: they were transsexual because they wanted surgery...
Journal Article
TSQ (2016) 3 (3-4): 506–523.
Published: 01 November 2016
... postcommunist Europe queer autobiography transvestism Representations of the life of the East German transvestite Charlotte von Mahlsdorf, which began to circulate internationally not long after the fall of communism in Eastern Europe, raise fundamental questions about the act of framing...
Journal Article
TSQ (2021) 8 (1): 75–95.
Published: 01 February 2021
... . Sparey Victoria . 2015 . “ Performing Puberty: Fertile Complexions in Shakespeare's Plays .” Shakespeare Bulletin 33 , no. 3 : 441 – 67 . Spenser Edmund . 2003 . The Faerie Queene . London : Penguin . Stallybrass Jones . 1992 . “ Transvestism and the ‘Body Beneath...
Journal Article
TSQ (2016) 3 (3-4): 448–461.
Published: 01 November 2016
... him to Magnus Hirschfeld's Institut für Sexualwissenschaft (Institute for Sexual Studies). Benjamin saw what he (in Benjamin 1966 ) called “sex orientation” as a continuum and divided it into six types, ranging from occasional cross-dressing—or, in his terminology, “pseudo transvestism” — to the kind...
Journal Article
TSQ (2017) 4 (3-4): 668–674.
Published: 01 November 2017
... characteristics that seek an expedited resolution. Rather, the symptom, like repetition, is a meaningful expression of personal experience—a vital (and nonpathological) form of communication. References Ambrosio Giovanna , ed. 2009 . Transvestism, Transsexualism in the Psychoanalytic Dimension...
Journal Article
TSQ (2017) 4 (3-4): 326–357.
Published: 01 November 2017
.... 2016c . “ Transsexuality as Sinthome: Bracha L. Ettinger and the Other (Feminine) Sexual Difference .” Studies in Gender and Sexuality 17 , no. 1 : 27 – 44 . Chiland Colette . 2009 . “ Some Thoughts on Transsexualism, Transvestism, Transgender and Identification .” In Transvestism...
Journal Article
TSQ (2016) 3 (3-4): 485–505.
Published: 01 November 2016
... a conventional transvestism. Furthermore, d'Eon's fiction is trying to make the reader think that in this scene ze is dressed as a man but is really a woman underneath, something hir fellow diners are apparently aware of. So why, if ze is being treated like a mother and is trying to convince the reader that ze...