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trans* studies

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Journal Article
TSQ (2021) 8 (3): 283–297.
Published: 01 August 2021
... experience as it coincides with other ambivalent identity processes and reading practices. Why have a trans methodology that reduces itself simply to the identity marker trans? Does transness not belong to so much more? Many theorists within transgender studies have already taken up this method...
Journal Article
TSQ (2023) 10 (1): 16–22.
Published: 01 February 2023
... ballroom scene, such as the 1982 film T.V. Transvestite , this article reminds the reader that Black trans studies remains an archeological project. [email protected] Copyright © 2023 by Duke University Press 2023 house/ball culture archives Black trans studies Ima read . Throwing...
Journal Article
TSQ (2019) 6 (3): 283–296.
Published: 01 August 2019
... of trans as secular. It was the secularization of transgender that conditioned the (evangelical) firing of H. Adam Ackley. 10 In part because feminist studies of religion have been so indebted to the foundational work of Mary Daly, whose explicit transmisogyny was central to her ontology...
Journal Article
TSQ (2020) 7 (3): 354–366.
Published: 01 August 2020
...Susan Stryker Abstract This article reports on the successes and challenges of institutionalizing trans* studies at the University of Arizona. It describes the Transgender Studies Faculty Cluster Hire Initiative of 2013–18, efforts to establish a curricular program of some sort in trans studies...
Journal Article
TSQ (2020) 7 (3): 299–305.
Published: 01 August 2020
..., brown, and indigenous trans women and transfeminine people, and the logical conundrums posed to dominant racial imaginaries by Rachel Dolezal's claims of transracial identity. Over the years, TSQ has become an important venue for promulgating work in black trans studies and trans-of-color scholarship...
Journal Article
TSQ (2020) 7 (3): 367–373.
Published: 01 August 2020
... colonial narratives that exclude or appropriate our stories and identities. As Susan Stryker notes in her preface to Ardel Haefele-Thomas's Introduction to Transgender Studies , imagining oneself as part of a global transness requires a very complex and politically nuanced sense of “we” (Haefele...
Journal Article
TSQ (2020) 7 (3): 306–320.
Published: 01 August 2020
..., backward shadow of true affirmative transgender progress (110). Trans studies' apparent sacrifice of the transsexual to the demands of queer theory has led to a further silencing of everyday transsexual life beyond the demands of antinormative politics and theory, and has collapsed the ability to “speak...
Journal Article
TSQ (2020) 7 (3): 421–426.
Published: 01 August 2020
... to know them , while they were not at all interested in knowing me .” Here's what I do know. Transgender studies, you are born and reborn of dynamic tumult, sustained by movements, debates, and transgressions that are transnational and anything but monochrome. You are born of Black, brown...
Journal Article
TSQ (2020) 7 (3): 445–454.
Published: 01 August 2020
.... 2018 ). In this article, a group of academics—many of whom have never published on trans studies in any capacity—argue “that it is not transphobic to investigate and analyse this area [transgender issues] from a range of critical academic perspectives.” These academics “also worry about the effect...
Journal Article
TSQ (2020) 7 (3): 407–420.
Published: 01 August 2020
... Kristen , and Lagos Danya . 2017 . “ The Development of Transgender Studies in Sociology .” Annual Review of Sociology 43 : 425 – 43 . Snorton Riley , and Haritaworn Jin . 2013 . “ Trans Necropolitics: A Transnational Reflection on Violence, Death, and the Trans of Color...
Journal Article
TSQ (2020) 7 (3): 455–462.
Published: 01 August 2020
... without slipping into ad hominem attacks or a “damn kids, get off my lawn” mode. For example, Hayward critiqued what she perceives as trans studies' “abandonment of the transsexual” in favor of the supposedly more progressive figures of the transgender person and the nonbinary person—while stressing...
Journal Article
TSQ (2021) 8 (2): 158–171.
Published: 01 May 2021
... that there exists a tendency, an orientation toward an anglophone whiteness that a transnational formation of trans studies has yet to fully vanquish. We've been here before. A similar reckoning has been and continues to be demanded of queer studies, gay and lesbian studies, feminist studies, and gender and women's...
Journal Article
TSQ (2021) 8 (2): 145–157.
Published: 01 May 2021
... transphobic feminism and the decolonizing-the-curriculum movement in the United Kingdom. From the perspective of what might be termed critical trans studies, these contributions critically scrutinize the (pre-)legacy of the term transgender ; what its European colonial heritages are; and how race, ethnicity...
Journal Article
TSQ (2021) 8 (4): 417–425.
Published: 01 November 2021
... the relegation of the transsexual and transvestite to another time and place in a broad sense, not just by or in transgender studies. Aiming to problematize how these categories do and don't easily characterize people across transnational, temporal, and linguistic boundaries, we aim to create a way for opening...
Journal Article
TSQ (2022) 9 (1): 84–100.
Published: 01 February 2022
... are represented primarily by Black transwomen and transwomen of color, the field of transgender studies, like other fields, seems to use this Black subject as a springboard to move toward other things, presumably white things.” Instead of moving toward other, presumably white, things, this article engages...
Journal Article
TSQ (2022) 9 (3): 387–406.
Published: 01 August 2022
... in the United States, anglophone transfeminisms have sometimes appeared better equipped to deal with it, owing to the focus on combating transmisogyny in foundational works such as Julia Serano's Whipping Girl and Emi Koyama's “Transfeminist Manifesto.” In Cahiers de la transidentité ’s 2015 issue titled...
Journal Article
TSQ (2023) 10 (1): 1–9.
Published: 01 February 2023
... studies confronts the uncomfortable coincidence that “it is at the same historical moment of the long eighteenth century that European-gendered imperialism is ascendant and that distinctly trans ideas begin to become evident in the archive.” Historicizing the political economy of transness is an incisive...
Journal Article
TSQ (2023) 10 (1): 54–58.
Published: 01 February 2023
... to whom did they position themselves before then? Why is transfemininity overrepresented in the colonial and anthropological archive, and transmasculinity relatively absent (if trans ought even be used here at all)? Outside a burgeoning body of excellent scholarship on the relation of transgender...
Journal Article
TSQ (2023) 10 (1): 10–15.
Published: 01 February 2023
.... The hijra accounts from India, for instance, can be read as resisting the centrality of sex reassignment surgery as the narrative and epistemological hinge for écriture transsexuelle . If we take this seriously, the current historiographic distinction between transgender and transsexual is thrown...
Journal Article
TSQ (2023) 10 (3-4): 553–556.
Published: 01 November 2023
... and Susan Stryker (2014: 6) pose that “one critical aspect of transgender studies is to consider the work that the term transgender does.” Currah demonstrates the purchase of this hermeneutic in his brilliant monograph Sex Is as Sex Does , which focuses on the movement of governmental sex markers...