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Journal Article
TSQ (2020) 7 (4): 585–597.
Published: 01 November 2020
...Bahar Azadi; Julia Zélie; Florence Michard; Yazdan Yazdanpanah Abstract HIV infection burden is globally high among transgender women (TGW) and particularly in TGW migrant sex workers and TGW subpopulations with structural inequalities like racism and classism. In addition to stigma related...
Journal Article
TSQ (2019) 6 (4): 659–666.
Published: 01 November 2019
...Nicole Erin Morse Abstract In this interview, trans artist Vivek Shraya discusses the gendered politics of self-representation, the misogynistic stigma that attaches to her selfies, and the power of controlling the gaze and knowing “where to look.” Copyright © 2019 by Duke University Press 2019...
Journal Article
TSQ (2017) 4 (1): 96–111.
Published: 01 February 2017
...Anne Balay Abstract Big rig work culture includes a growing population of transwomen, many of whom call themselves T-girls. Working within a dense network of company and legal rules, and reaching for the autonomy and isolation associated with the open road, these truckers find stigma, resistance...
Journal Article
TSQ (2016) 3 (1-2): 220–227.
Published: 01 May 2016
... of a decolonialist approach, which represents the opportunity to develop a strategy with which to overcome the notion of the primacy of scientific knowledge over those who suffer the effects of epistemic violence. This approach incorporates concepts produced through the daily struggles of those who suffer the stigma...
Journal Article
TSQ (2020) 7 (2): 268–271.
Published: 01 May 2020
... this is not necessarily any different to the objectification of cis women or other specific groups in pornography. From my observations, Western society has become much more aware and accepting of trans people over the past decade or so. At the same time, there still appears to be a stigma within broader society...
Journal Article
TSQ (2020) 7 (2): 255–261.
Published: 01 May 2020
.... There's a whole stigma around the adult industry. Society shames you around sex. I was conditioned to think sex was shameful and that porn was icky. Early on, I couldn't bring myself to say I was shooting porn. I would instead say that I was shooting “artistic nudes” or “erotic nudes” or “art photos...
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Journal Article
TSQ (2014) 1 (1-2): 63–64.
Published: 01 May 2014
... and Stigma in the Twenty-First Century .” Sexuality Research and Social Policy 1 , no. 2 : 6 – 24 . Use of the term cisgenderism is slowly increasing in the literature (see, e.g., Ansara and Hegarty 2012 ). Historically, the term transphobia has been utilized more often in the literature...
Journal Article
TSQ (2018) 5 (3): 473–486.
Published: 01 August 2018
... characteristics of a Chinese society in which children have been inculcated for centuries with Confucian values of filial piety. Stigma and psychological distress have been found to be tightly connected (Bockting et al. 2013 ). The rates of depressive symptoms and anxiety among trans people are far higher...
Journal Article
TSQ (2017) 4 (2): 191–194.
Published: 01 May 2017
... of the fight for trans justice is a level of stigma so intense and pervasive that trans folks are often told we don't exist—that we're really just the gender we were assigned at birth.” This “stigma,” Cox continues, is “a state of emergency” that results in “many gay, lesbian, and bisexual brothers and sisters...
Journal Article
TSQ (2014) 1 (1-2): 249–251.
Published: 01 May 2014
... differently in different types of social contexts within a culture. In therapeutic contexts it is not uncommon for trans people to be viewed as mentally ill. Yet this representation need not be found in other contexts (say, sex work). The view that “mental illness” is the paradigmatic stigma elides...
Journal Article
TSQ (2014) 1 (1-2): 191–194.
Published: 01 May 2014
... of the stigma around the various trans identities, I first coined the word transcorporal ( Witten 2007a , 2007b ). This word offsets the stigma around the juxtaposition of trans and sex/gender/sexuality by replacing the emergent constructs of sex, gender, and sexuality with the core construct of the corporal...
Journal Article
TSQ (2022) 9 (2): 199–210.
Published: 01 May 2022
... and trans race sex/gender slavery whiteness When I first entered trans and intersex online spaces as a white, intersex, genderqueer person I expected to find two communities working toward common goals, namely the elimination of stigma and the establishment of bodily autonomy for those who do...
Journal Article
TSQ (2014) 1 (1-2): 172–176.
Published: 01 May 2014
.... By reclaiming a homophobic slur as the name for a movement and, soon after, a field of study, queer activists and scholars indicated the significance of violence and stigma in the experience of gender and sexual outsiders. Queer, with its valences of strange, odd, and perplexing, was also meant to indicate...
Journal Article
TSQ (2019) 6 (1): 132–136.
Published: 01 February 2019
... in Colombia and other nations who have successfully contested “the US-centrism, unmarked whiteness, and imperialism of western/global northern intersex human rights campaigns” (18). In chapter three, “‘Stigma and Trauma, Not Gender’: A Genealogy of US Intersex Activism,” Rubin traces a genealogy...
Journal Article
TSQ (2018) 5 (1): 121–142.
Published: 01 February 2018
... is still in a vulnerable position because of stigma and discrimination, the enactment of the Gender Identity Law will produce a markedly positive impact on their conditions and quality of life. In fact, the document indicates that these changes are already occurring. The report shows that of the 452...
Journal Article
TSQ (2020) 7 (2): 152–171.
Published: 01 May 2020
... and having their careers in porn prematurely end, owing to what is widely known as HIV crossover stigma—a notion that shooting with performers on the gay side of the industry comes with a higher risk of contracting HIV. Recently, however, an increasing number of cisgender performers from the straight side...
Journal Article
TSQ (2018) 5 (3): 456–463.
Published: 01 August 2018
... and gender attributes. Male falsetto—with its potential to “disturb” and “unsettle” (as Stephen Chen puts it) the increasingly polarized gender system—thus became a social stigma with male homosexual overtones amid the remasculinization process in the popular culture. 2 On an individual level...
Journal Article
TSQ (2015) 2 (2): 341–344.
Published: 01 May 2015
... proximity to death and disease. Our natural environment and the creatures therein carry the same stigma of disease, death, and destruction as the monster. Rats brought the plague, monkeys infected us with AIDS and ebola, cows had to be culled to protect us from mad cow disease, wild birds spread the avian...
Journal Article
TSQ (2018) 5 (1): 157–159.
Published: 01 February 2018
... work is the portrait of a man who is extremely self-aware of the importance of memoir and community control of narratives to battle internalized transphobia, homophobia, and institutional stigma. Smith, importantly, takes us through Sullivan's recorded romances, which were at times monogamous, open...
Journal Article
TSQ (2017) 4 (1): 112–127.
Published: 01 February 2017
... women cannot walk down the street without being stopped, harassed, verbally, sexually and physically abused and arrested, regardless of what they are doing at the time” (61). This relentless harassment on the basis that transness is conflatable with sex work projects social stigma about sex work onto...