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Journal Article
TSQ (2015) 2 (4): 695–700.
Published: 01 November 2015
...Dominic Johnson Abstract “Sitting. With a Candle? Up My Ass!” explores the archive of the Bay Area photographer David Greene, focusing firstly on Shameless (1974), a series of portraits of transgender people, queers, and people in drag, often posed candidly in domestic and other domestic settings...
Published: 01 November 2023
Figure 2. Theodore Winthrop . From Lillian C. Buttre, The American Portrait Gallery: With Biographical Sketches of Presidents, Statesmen, Military and Naval Heroes, Clergymen, Authors, Poets, Etc. Etc. , vol. 2 (New York: J. C. Buttre, 1877), n.p. More
Published: 01 February 2020
Figure 1. Studio portrait of Willa Cather in embroidered jacket, fall 1921, inscribed, “For an old and dear friend, who first encouraged and directed me in the work which has become the purpose and pleasure of my life, Willa Cather.” Philip L. and Helen Cather Southwick Collection, University More
Published: 01 November 2021
Figure 1. Ocaña showing his penis in Ocaña: Intermittent Portrait (dir. Ventura Pons, 1978, min. 3:33). Courtesy of Ventura Pons. More
Published: 01 February 2021
Figure 1. David Antonio Cruz, todayliketomorrowandthedayafter, portrait of carlos , 2019. Oil and latex on wood, 40 × 30 × 3 in. More
Journal Article
TSQ (2022) 9 (2): 248–254.
Published: 01 May 2022
... by Hana Aoi. Mexico City, 2020. Dry pastel, oil pastel, and ink on Fabriano paper. 103 × 75 cm. Courtesy of the artist. My work stems from the conviction that we change each other's lives with our stories, and that is why the portrait is accompanied by my collaborator's first-person narrative...
Journal Article
TSQ (2015) 2 (4): 679–682.
Published: 01 November 2015
...Jessica Lee Mathiason Abstract In her critical review of Katie Herzog's art installation Transtextuality (Senate Bill 48) , Jessica Lee Mathiason argues that the artist's collection of forty-eight portraits transforms the archive into an artwork while questioning institutional boundaries...
Journal Article
TSQ (2015) 2 (4): 676–678.
Published: 01 November 2015
...Zowie Davy Abstract Katie Herzog's Transtextuality (Senate Bill 48) , an installation “depicting 48 portraits of transgender men and women of letters,” took on the mammoth task of displaying portraits of trans pioneers who represent transgender intelligentsia. The celebration of her Western...
Journal Article
TSQ (2015) 2 (4): 673–675.
Published: 01 November 2015
...Kelly Besser Abstract Katie Herzog's Transtextuality (Senate Bill 48) is a collection of paintings that functions as a record of transgender history. Herzog's portraits of trans people of letters point to the work we must perform to create documentation of our communities when no trace of our...
Journal Article
TSQ (2021) 8 (1): 113–120.
Published: 01 February 2021
... illness by incorporating her prescription for Prozac into one painting and using her emaciated, AIDS-ravaged body as the subject of a photographic portrait by Daniel Nicoletta in which her physical body fades, white on white, into an angel with wings. References Avena Thomas , and Klein...
FIGURES | View All (4)
Published: 01 August 2019
Figure 2. John Wollaston, George Whitefield , ca. 1742. Oil on canvas, 32⅝ × 26 in. National Portrait Gallery, London. More
Published: 01 February 2021
Figure 7. David Antonio Cruz, thesecretsiworeinmythroat,unbeknownsttome,hadcomeopen, portrait of Johana (2019). Oil and latex on wood panel, 40 × 30 × 3 in. More
Published: 01 November 2021
Figure 2. Grandma giving Ocaña the stroller (out of frame) in Ocaña: Intermittent Portrait (dir. Ventura Pons, 1978, min. 3:50). Courtesy of Ventura Pons. More
Published: 01 November 2021
Figure 3. The grandmother calls Ocaña's attention to introduce him to the child's father in Ocaña: Intermittent Portrait (dir. Ventura Pons, 1978, min. 4:00). Courtesy of Ventura Pons. More
Journal Article
TSQ (2014) 1 (4): 614–619.
Published: 01 November 2014
.... TW : My project Fear of a Bearded Planet—collective Semitic self-portrait after Robert Blanchon (2007–present) comes from my countless experiences of being misread as Muslim and what happens when I disclose that I'm Jewish. For Fear of a Bearded Planet , I visit souvenir portrait artists while...
Journal Article
TSQ (2014) 1 (4): 539–551.
Published: 01 November 2014
... bodies in images from John Coplans. In short, I propose that the Herm Body series shows how negative affect is productive and political, even when it appears to suspend agency. Copyright © 2014 by Duke University Press 2014 negative affect self-portrait Del LaGrace Volcano intersex Polaroid...
Journal Article
TSQ (2023) 10 (3-4): 307–311.
Published: 01 November 2023
...). Both exhibits use Manning's DNA to create 3D-printed portraits and to speculate on the relationship between DNA, gender, and race. Manning and Dewey-Hagborg use DNA collection and gendering to be subversive. The exhibit Radical Love: Chelsea Manning includes a question written on a mirror: “Are you...
Journal Article
TSQ (2022) 9 (2): 264–265.
Published: 01 May 2022
...Michelle Wolff The process of illustrating a portrait of Sally is, for me, an experience of time together. I want to get her eyes just right, I think to myself, while also mulling over how to best represent her complex personality and subsequent conflicts among religious, activist, and national...
Journal Article
TSQ (2015) 2 (3): 522–524.
Published: 01 August 2015
... campaign for freedom and the Sylvia Rivera Law Project to sell with all proceeds going directly to them. FG: Finally, tell us a bit more about the portrait on the cover of this issue. I keep a needle and thread on me at all times. I literally never leave my home without these tools. They've come...
Journal Article
TSQ (2015) 2 (4): 650–665.
Published: 01 November 2015
... in those individual images, and such recuperative work has the potential to offer trans* archives important images and traces of past lives. Portica's portrait, however, when taken out of the regulatory archive of the SFPD and pasted into Cook's private, annotated scrapbook, is no longer solely an artifact...