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Journal Article
TSQ (2021) 8 (2): 158–171.
Published: 01 May 2021
... nonbinary method. Writing against the logics of displacement, disciplinarity, and depletion, what follows is a brief meditation on both the institutionalization of trans studies in Western academia and the material disregard of black people, trans people, migrants, and other oppressed and vulnerable people...
Journal Article
TSQ (2020) 7 (3): 354–366.
Published: 01 August 2020
...Susan Stryker Abstract This article reports on the successes and challenges of institutionalizing trans* studies at the University of Arizona. It describes the Transgender Studies Faculty Cluster Hire Initiative of 2013–18, efforts to establish a curricular program of some sort in trans studies...
Journal Article
TSQ (2020) 7 (3): 367–373.
Published: 01 August 2020
...Madi Day Abstract Indigenous queer and trans studies will be available as part of the Indigenous Studies major in the Bachelor of Arts program at Macquarie University beginning February 2020. Institutionalization of Indigenous queer and trans studies occurs in a context in which education...
Journal Article
TSQ (2023) 10 (3-4): 350–368.
Published: 01 November 2023
... incorporation and the hesitant institutionality of trans study. In the context of a racially segregated postwar American culture reorganizing its senses of normative gender and moral sexual practice, the sexological project to limn the category “trans” became a site of interaction between multiple vectors...
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Journal Article
TSQ (2020) 7 (3): 421–426.
Published: 01 August 2020
...Ian Khara Ellasante Abstract This essay considers the origins, intentions, and potential of transgender studies. As the field becomes increasingly institutionalized, is transgender studies capable of honoring the embodied knowledges from which it originates and, if so, how? The author suggests...
Journal Article
TSQ (2018) 5 (3): 321–331.
Published: 01 August 2018
...Adnan Hossain Abstract This essay advances a regional critique of the Indian-centric scholarship on hijra , a publicly institutionalized subculture of people typically assigned a male gender at birth who often sacrifice their genitals in return for spiritual power. The unexamined Indian hegemony...
Journal Article
TSQ (2017) 4 (2): 162–169.
Published: 01 May 2017
... people. The contemporary visual landscape is populated with the bodies of Black women. How does the language and discourse of the tipping point elide the presence of a saturation of Black bodies? In academia this elision has taken the shape of the expansion and institutionalization of transgender studies...
Journal Article
TSQ (2016) 3 (1-2): 35–39.
Published: 01 May 2016
.... 1 They originate from groups making sweeping denunciations of all conditions that oppress the marginalized (commodification, institutionalization, and depoliticization of the LGBT movement, immigration regulations, expropriation of sex worker rights, and so on). The emergence of the Guerrilla...
Journal Article
TSQ (2022) 9 (2): 143–159.
Published: 01 May 2022
...? In what ways do both intersex studies and “the institutionalization of transgender studies as a discipline function as a scene of subjection” for “blackness—for Black people and places” and other marginalized groups (Ellison et al. 2017 : 162)? While intersex studies and trans* studies may seem like...
Journal Article
TSQ (2020) 7 (3): 349–353.
Published: 01 August 2020
... way, queer theory is the disciplinary surface against which trans studies must constantly narrate itself, the field against which trans studies finds itself pressed in a stipulated intimacy. Queer theory is both the door through which trans studies enters and the room in which it is institutionalized...
Journal Article
TSQ (2024) 11 (2): 266–286.
Published: 01 May 2024
...: identity and institutionally mediated social relations (Chandra and Chen 2022 : 138). This approach requires conceptualizing Marx's categories as forms of practical activity that simultaneously constitute forms of subjectivity and objectivity, determinants of social action and thought (Postone 1980 : 108...
Journal Article
TSQ (2015) 2 (3): 365–366.
Published: 01 August 2015
...Paisley Currah; Susan Stryker Copyright © 2015 by Duke University Press 2015 This content is made freely available by the publisher. It may not be redistributed or altered. All rights reserved. As trans studies has become more institutionalized, it has rarely departed from the norms...
Journal Article
TSQ (2020) 7 (3): 455–462.
Published: 01 August 2020
... are deeply imbricated, as I will show, and their articulation points to a certain paradox: the once-upstart field of transgender studies is becoming institutionalized at a moment when academia's necrosis has become most painfully acute. During the first panel, on “Trans ± ition,” UA faculty Eric Plemons...
Journal Article
TSQ (2017) 4 (2): 159–161.
Published: 01 May 2017
... to the field of transgender studies and its practitioners: why, in its processes of institutionalization and canon formation, has transgender studies, another “theory in the flesh,” been so remiss in acknowledging women-of-color feminisms—black feminisms in particular—as a necessary foundation for the field's...
Journal Article
TSQ (2021) 8 (3): 298–309.
Published: 01 August 2021
... procedures; a few chapters on the evolution, the institutionalization of psychiatry in the nineteenth century; considerations on sophistry or Greek coins; an outline history of sexuality . . . and it's all leading nowhere. It's repetitive, and it doesn't add up” (4). It is thus out of a desire to address...
Journal Article
TSQ (2016) 3 (3-4): 388–411.
Published: 01 November 2016
... the conditions of possibility for the emergence of Eón and, with this, of transgender as a category of politics and identity. Other key factors in fertilizing the social arena that made this development possible included the institutionalization of human rights that arose through the creation of the National...
Journal Article
TSQ (2014) 1 (1-2): 219–222.
Published: 01 May 2014
... produced gender and sexuality as separate categories of analysis, this history is increasingly erased as the separation of gender and sexuality — and of homosexuality and transgender — is institutionalized as a matter of ontology, not historical process. Since this ontological conceptual separation...
Journal Article
TSQ (2022) 9 (4): 634–652.
Published: 01 November 2022
... 2003 ), often using the real or imagined presence of disability as evidence (Baynton 2017 ). During the twentieth century, diagnostic labels such as “feeblemindedness” were weaponized against Mexican and Mexican American people in California to justify their forced institutionalization...
Journal Article
TSQ (2014) 1 (3): 303–307.
Published: 01 August 2014
... of this special issue, “Decolonizing the Transgender Imaginary,” so forcefully reiterate, it seems especially important to mark the geopolitical home of this journal in anglophone scholarly networks in North America. That location and its relation to the accelerating (if still tenuous) institutionalization...
Journal Article
TSQ (2018) 5 (1): 83–99.
Published: 01 February 2018
.... Cisgenderism and transphobia operate throughout Guatemalan legal, social, and economic institutions and have a profound effect on trans people's lives and their capacities to survive. The lives of trans people are constantly threatened by institutionalized exclusion and by vulnerability to violence, abuse...