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Journal Article
TSQ (2020) 7 (1): 56–76.
Published: 01 February 2020
... that DSM -5’s new diagnosis criteria work defensively, functioning as an antidote to the clinician's anxiety in the face of difference. When separated from stereotypical acts and identities, perversion proves to be quite valuable in understanding clinical transphobia. In particular, Freud's writings...
Journal Article
TSQ (2020) 7 (4): 585–597.
Published: 01 November 2020
... to transphobia, migrant TGW face multiple forms of discrimination because of intersection with other experiences of stigma related to migration and working as sex workers in the host society. This study explores the experiences of TGW seeking care in an HIV and STI clinic in Paris, to evaluate medical adherence...
Journal Article
TSQ (2017) 4 (3-4): 627–631.
Published: 01 November 2017
...Shanna T. Carlson Abstract This brief piece brings forward some of the differences between the scene of a Lacanian analysis and that of the social link. Copyright © 2017 by Duke University Press 2017 clinic psychoanalysis Jacques Lacan transgender Trans* people and transgender...
Journal Article
TSQ (2018) 5 (2): 251–267.
Published: 01 May 2018
... in the cis-surgical context of cancer treatment (mastectomy) or the FTM transitional context (of top surgery). Neither of these contexts readily allows for a nonnormative trans chest. The author utilizes their own experiences of chest surgery to critique delegitimizing, prohibitive clinic practices...
Published: 01 August 2020
Figure 7. Picture of Lili Elbe at the Women's Clinic from June 1930 found in the American edition of the narrative (1933). More
Journal Article
TSQ (2018) 5 (2): 207–227.
Published: 01 May 2018
.... In prominent cases, two former clients who regretted their surgeries sued the Monash Health Gender Clinic, precipitating a review of operations and a three-month closure. Internationally and in Australia, the approach to care has moved from psychiatric dominance toward a collaborative approach between clients...
Journal Article
TSQ (2017) 4 (3-4): 451–471.
Published: 01 November 2017
... the capacity to imagine gender with psychoanalytic sensitivity. The clinic too is affected by a magnetizing pull toward sameness; certitude replaces difference in which the body is often mystified as known. Beyond the fixations that are well documented, the article raises two new questions: Can a turn...
Journal Article
TSQ (2016) 3 (3-4): 388–411.
Published: 01 November 2016
...Alba Pons Rabasa Abstract As part of the doctoral research project “Social Transformations and Corporeal Micropolitics: A Study on the Process of Normalization of Trans* in Mexico City,” the author has acted as a participant observer in the Trans* Support Group of the Condesa Specialized Clinic...
Journal Article
TSQ (2015) 2 (1): 136–147.
Published: 01 February 2015
...Natalie Ingraham; Vanessa Pratt; Nick Gorton Abstract With the Affordable Care Act revolutionizing the US health care system, the importance of collecting clinical, demographic, operational, and utilization data has exponentially increased for community health centers (CHC). Data collection...
Journal Article
TSQ (2021) 8 (4): 462–480.
Published: 01 November 2021
... on the possibility of a bad outcome than adherence to gender norms or classification as transsexual. The informal clinical practices they worked out to protect themselves in these early years of American trans medicine would ultimately go on to structure more formalized Standards of Care. Benjamin and Belt's fears...
Journal Article
TSQ (2017) 4 (3-4): 518–533.
Published: 01 November 2017
...Kate Foord Abstract How do we work, and write of, the resistance of psychoanalysis to queer, to trans, at the same time as we work and write the contribution that psychoanalysis makes to these same fields? In addressing this question, this article focuses on the Lacanian clinic as a failure...
Journal Article
TSQ (2017) 4 (3-4): 405–420.
Published: 01 November 2017
... queer theory and dialectical psychoanalysis can constructively inform each other, and the ways in which the author's own “queering” experience contributed significantly to the clinical process. Copyright © 2017 by Duke University Press 2017 cisgender transgender psychoanalysis psychotherapy...
Journal Article
TSQ (2020) 7 (3): 508–516.
Published: 01 August 2020
... of a broader attack on transgender rights that uses the protection of children as a powerful pretense to scapegoat a minority. It suggests that the analyses and insights of the field of transgender studies could inform, enrich, and reconfigure current clinical and public-policy debates around gender-variant...
Journal Article
TSQ (2017) 4 (3-4): 534–555.
Published: 01 November 2017
...Patricia Gherovici Abstract Pushing further the analyses of Please Select Your Gender: From the Invention of Hysteria to the Democratizing of Transgenderism , the author projects a new light on transgender manifestations. Drawing on her clinical experience as a psychoanalyst working with gender...
Journal Article
TSQ (2017) 4 (3-4): 639–646.
Published: 01 November 2017
...Abraham B. Weil Abstract Félix Guattari arrived at Château de la Borde in 1956 to collaborate in an experimental psychiatric clinic with Jean Oury, the founder and then director. During his time at La Borde, and in conversation with Gilles Deleuze, Guattari developed the concept of transversality...
Journal Article
TSQ (2018) 5 (2): 190–206.
Published: 01 May 2018
... on fourteen months of ethnographic fieldwork conducted at a public gender clinic in southern Brazil to consider the experiences of transgender people who accessed surgery through the expanded public services that followed the litigation. The article argues that access to surgery does not, by itself...
Journal Article
TSQ (2015) 2 (4): 635–644.
Published: 01 November 2015
... of Robert J. Stoller, a psychiatrist who helmed the Gender Identity Clinic at the University of California, Los Angeles, in the 1950s–70s and who was a key figure in the medicalization of transsexuality. Through daily free-write sessions in the archives, Joynt and Schilt managed the emotional tensions...
Journal Article
TSQ (2017) 4 (3-4): 662–667.
Published: 01 November 2017
... is not just a clinical phenomenon (like mourning or trauma) but a category of identity. Inevitably, questions of representation arose, including the lack of trans masculine presenters and the problem of cis gender practitioners theorizing about, and presenting sensitive clinical material on, trans patients...
Journal Article
TSQ (2018) 5 (2): 164–173.
Published: 01 May 2018
... outside and in defiant rejection of medical models overdetermined by normative genders and sexualities, and to assert extraclinical and never-clinical trans ways of being. It can be a political gesture to enable coalition with other marginalized communities. But for all the good reasons to turn attention...
Journal Article
TSQ (2017) 4 (3-4): 647–653.
Published: 01 November 2017
... of the reductive trend toward hetero- and trans normalization in the clinic. What are the steps that psychoanalytic institutions need to take in order to be a leading voice in transgender studies? I must admit that it is hard to answer these questions without first acknowledging the tremendous harm suffered...