The transvestite identity is created on the margins of imperialist bourgeois society, in the nonpayment of narratives (and consumptions) naturalizing the sex-gender system. For this reason, the transvestite carries the social punishment of turning her identity into her work. In the transvestite we find the radicality of our trans genealogy, the half diaries of the bastard daughters of the night. The transvestite life is a life of community tenderness, in which new ways of reproducing life flourish—of lives marked by the system as surpluses—beyond the heteronormative nuclear family. Such care springs from the precariousness and loneliness that history etches on the skin of those who distance themselves from inflicted masculinity, belonging to the dispossessed class. Today the wounds of the transvestite body are named as parody. I speak here with the transvestite Samantha Hudson, an emerging singer, performer, and artist in the underground transvestite scene in Spain, about the trans-exclusionary...

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