Blacktino Queer Performance is the textual fruition of a sustained collaboration between scholars and performance artists working to construct what we might call “Blacktino queer performance studies.” The term Blacktino signals the cultural resonances, shared histories, and mutual influences between Black, Afro-Latinex, and Latinex peoples in the United States. This collection is part of a surging wave of cultural productions that center on the experiences of Blacktino queers as they navigate various structures of oppression. Each of the nine sections provides ready-made lesson plans, with all the components needed for a lively classroom discussion: the full script of a play or performance, a scholarly analysis on the featured play/performance, and an interview with the director, author, or main actor. These varied textual formats provide multiple entry points for their audience. I found the articles to be a good place to start as they establish a frame through which to understand...

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