In February 2015, in what appears to be the first of its kind, a judge in Buenos Aires awarded a transgender woman a public pension in recompense for harms wrought upon her “as a result of the discrimination and the institutional violence—of a general, constant, and direct nature—permitted by an absent state and promoted by police officers” (G.N.B. v. GCBA). The judge, Victor Trionfetti, ordered the City of Buenos Aires to pay the woman, identified as Ms. G. (Sra. G.), a monthly allowance equivalent to the minimum living wage, which in 2015 was $4,716 pesos. Ms. G., who was sixty-one at the time of this ruling, had expressed a female gender identity from an early age and left home at nine. She had been raped and tortured by police and prison guards on numerous occasions, had been denied care in hospitals, and, because of discrimination due to her...
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February 01 2018
G.N.B. v. the Government of the City of Buenos Aires, 2015
Francisco Berreta
Francisco Berreta
Francisco Berreta holds a JD from the University of Buenos Aires Law School, an LLB from the University of London, and a master's degree in law from Columbia University in New York. Prior to joining Human Rights Watch as the Columbia Law School David W. Leebron Fellow, he contributed to a handbook for parliamentarians on human rights, sexual orientation, and gender identity.
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TSQ (2018) 5 (1): 121–142.
Francisco Berreta; G.N.B. v. the Government of the City of Buenos Aires, 2015. TSQ 1 February 2018; 5 (1): 121–142. doi:
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