Premiering in 2006, Trannymal is the first not-for-profit film produced by the Trans Body Law and Education Project. Completely devoid of voiced narration for the duration of its two-minute run time, the film immediately confronts the viewer with trans-genitals accompanied by a score reminiscent of a child's lullaby. Each image corresponds to a line of the poem quoted above, offering genitalia with attached feathers as a visual stand-in for birds, or fleshy folds stretched to briefly resemble a star. The project's second film, Trannymals Go to Court: An Eight-Genital Movie, premiered in 2007 and has a run time of twelve minutes. A similarly lighthearted score supports the film, which features fully fleshed-out characters, plot, and dialogue. While both films weave together fantasy, political manifesto, and elements of the public service announcement, tropes not unfamiliar within the conventions of transmodern media production, the choice to dissociate genitals from the subjects...
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May 1, 2015
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Research Article|
May 01 2015
They Look Back: The Animalization and Self-Articulation of Trans Genitalia
Directed by Curtis-Fawley, Chrys and Vade, Dylan 2 min., United States
, 2006
Trannymals Go to Court: An Eight-Genital Movie
Directed by Bernard, Abe and Vade, Dylan 12 min., United States
, 2007
Paige M. Johnson
Paige M. Johnson
Paige M. Johnson is a PhD candidate in the Department of Theatre, Dance, and Performance Studies at the University of California, Berkeley. She is currently pursuing fieldwork in Indonesia with transgender entertainers. She is interested in the role of performance in identity formation and community solidarity and how they intersect with questions of queer survival.
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TSQ (2015) 2 (2): 324–329.
Paige M. Johnson; They Look Back: The Animalization and Self-Articulation of Trans Genitalia. TSQ 1 May 2015; 2 (2): 324–329. doi:
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