
There are many overlaps between crip and trans ecologies, such that human and more‐than‐human corporeal difference, like trans existence, is often constituted as unnatural and undesired within dominant scientific discourses. Yet in the context of environmental futurities, the notion of desiring disability, as a central framework within critical disability studies, prompts distinct questions. Disability and corporeal differences are often positioned as incommensurable with environmental futures, in that disability and corporeal difference are constituted as evidence, or even the cause, of environmental destruction leading to impending doom. This project turns toward these questions to consider how we might foster a crip ecologies approach that enables the possibility of crip futures, while also attending to the conditions of debility. Such an approach to crip ecologies necessitates an anti‐colonial politic that refuses Western science and its method of conservation through eradication and instead looks toward the connections and assemblages between crip politics and Indigenous knowledges and practices.

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