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Published: 01 April 2012
Trade deregulation has let transnational corporations run wild. Community gardens and farmers markets offer a glimpse of an alternative system. Will Occupy open new paths to economic localization? More
Journal Article
Tikkun (2014) 29 (1): 9–13.
Published: 01 January 2014
... constructive place, we need to foster a transnational analytic of care: one that is not defensive, reactionary, or silencing. We need an analytic of care that is cognizant of the local and global processes that create conditions of vulnerability for women and form the asymmetrical planes in which cross...
Journal Article
Tikkun (2013) 28 (3): 44–46.
Published: 01 August 2013
...PEGGY LEVITT Copyright © Tikkun magazine 2013 Creative Commons/Adam Jones, Ph.D. “The streets of Pilsen in Chicago . . . are filled with proof of the transnational activities of their residents,” the author writes. Images of roots and family appear in this mural on the side of a building...
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Published: 01 August 2013
Creative Commons/Adam Jones, Ph.D. “The streets of Pilsen in Chicago . . . are filled with proof of the transnational activities of their residents,” the author writes. Images of roots and family appear in this mural on the side of a building in Pilsen. More
Published: 01 August 2013
Eucar Gabriel Álvarez Participants in the Movement for the Development of Boca Canasta (MODEBO) gather to discuss local and transnational issues. Migrants from the Boston chapter of MODEBO work closely with these Boca Canasta residents to plan community projects. More
Published: 01 August 2013
Favianna Rodriguez ( favianna.com ) A human hand reaches out from the side of a bird in this print, Transnational, by Favianna Rodriguez. The bird represents people who “migrate to improve their lives,” Rodriguez writes, and the hand “represents the manual labor that migrants do once they reach More
Journal Article
Tikkun (2012) 27 (2): 29–31.
Published: 01 April 2012
...Trade deregulation has let transnational corporations run wild. Community gardens and farmers markets offer a glimpse of an alternative system. Will Occupy open new paths to economic localization? ...
Published: 01 November 2012
Creative Commons/HTO Where did we come from? What should we do here? Where are we going? As long as humans ask these questions, the author writes, we will need accounts of our cosmological and biological evolution—accounts of how we went from painting cave walls to forming transnational More
Journal Article
Tikkun (2010) 25 (4): 59.
Published: 01 November 2010
... I do not question that there is a need for transnational al­ transnational for need is a there that question not Ido lKU 59 Tl KKUN ...
Journal Article
Tikkun (2014) 29 (4): 2.
Published: 01 November 2014
... shaped by “pictorial practices, image-making technologies, and vision-oriented subjectivities” that have been “entangled in empire-building, nationalist reactions, post colonial contestations, and transnational globalization.” It is not just economic or military power that shapes the way we see the world...
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Journal Article
Tikkun (2013) 28 (3): 51–53.
Published: 01 August 2013
...Favianna Rodriguez ( favianna.com ) A human hand reaches out from the side of a bird in this print, Transnational, by Favianna Rodriguez. The bird represents people who “migrate to improve their lives,” Rodriguez writes, and the hand “represents the manual labor that migrants do once they reach...
Journal Article
Tikkun (2012) 27 (2): 17.
Published: 01 April 2012
... the movement and the empathy needed to sustain it. They ask: What’s next for Occupy? Might an expanded focus on meeting basic human needs allow the message of economic transformation to take practical shape? How can we translate the newfound alarm at corporate rule into regulations on transnational...
Journal Article
Tikkun (2012) 27 (4): 33.
Published: 01 November 2012
... politics — crises such as climate change, economic collapse, the ever-growing power of transnational corporations, and the escalation of attacks on social welfare in the name of “austerity.” In this special section we present a lively debate on how much energy to invest in electoral politics, how to make...
Journal Article
Tikkun (2011) 26 (1): 65–66.
Published: 01 January 2011
... applications of what used to be normative values and treat them as illustrative, exploring how they could be used today. To promote forms of enterprise for transnational and national corporations based on sharing and cooperation in which management, shareholders, and workers—as well as the end-users...
Journal Article
Tikkun (2012) 27 (4): 13–66.
Published: 01 November 2012
...Creative Commons/HTO Where did we come from? What should we do here? Where are we going? As long as humans ask these questions, the author writes, we will need accounts of our cosmological and biological evolution—accounts of how we went from painting cave walls to forming transnational...
Journal Article
Tikkun (2011) 26 (2): 33–34.
Published: 01 April 2011
... will begin laying the foundations for a new politics of citizen engagement that looks below the surface and demands a governing process that does what it says and lives within the constraints of law and morality. Underpinning Scott’s analysis is the startling insistence that the transnational network...
Journal Article
Tikkun (2015) 30 (3): 24–26.
Published: 01 August 2015
... the biotechnology industry) — have done everything they can to subvert the legally binding, science-based, international environmental treaties on climate change and biodiversity. Lawless transnational corporations are violating international law and then covering their tracks through propaganda and public...
Journal Article
Tikkun (2017) 32 (4): 17–24.
Published: 01 November 2017
... power. It’s called democracy. It requires breaking up transnational and multinational concentrations of economic power into independent entities, each operating within and accountable to the jurisdiction of the government that issued its charter. Ownership of such entities is then properly transferred...
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Journal Article
Tikkun (2013) 28 (4): 20–22.
Published: 01 November 2013
... ethos and transnational corporate rule that structure all of our lives, we need to listen harder and learn from those on the left who have found ways to combine identity politics with class politics and a call for a deep spiritual transformation of our society. Scholars and activists — particularly...
Journal Article
Tikkun (2014) 29 (4): 43–44.
Published: 01 November 2014
... tremendously assist others who have gaps in their labor market participation, such as single parents who take time off work to raise their children. Even as progressive groups push for national or transnational economic measures such as Social Drawing Rights, they must also make a concerted effort...