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Journal Article
Tikkun (2013) 28 (3): 72.
Published: 01 August 2013
... lean against shiny, long black sedans, smoking cigarettes. It is both the spawning grounds and the death place of fiction. The little ones learn to become miniature predators themselves, until they encounter others of their own kind. An aggregation is called a school. Visitors must check...
Published: 01 November 2017
“As our sacred Earth mother loves and cares for us, we must love and care for her.” More
Published: 01 August 2015
Pawel Kuczynski ( pawelkuczynski.com ) We must act now to stop chemical pollution, agricultural monocultures, and climate change from threatening the earth’s biodiversity. Eco by Pawel Kuczynski. More
Published: 01 April 2013
Rae Abileah Social transformation, the author writes, must involve the “holy no” of protest, structural change, and consciousness-shifting cultural work. Here, Ariel Vegosen dons a white hazmat suit to protest Monsanto and Saria Idana performs Homeless in Homeland , a solo dance and spoken word More
Published: 01 April 2013
Rae Abileah Social transformation, the author writes, must involve the “holy no” of protest, structural change, and consciousness-shifting cultural work. Here, Ariel Vegosen dons a white hazmat suit to protest Monsanto and Saria Idana performs Homeless in Homeland , a solo dance and spoken word More
Published: 01 January 2014
Andrew Larsen ( andrewlarsenphotography.com ) A peace treaty must begin by defining almost all of pre-1967 West Bank and Gaza as within Palestine’s borders. Such a change would transform the lives of Palestinians such as these students, whose school in Hebron is located in a militarized zone More
Published: 01 January 2014
Nabil Anani ( nabilanani.net ) The settlements must stop expanding to make peace possible. This painting, Bab Al Shams, 2013 by Nabil Anani, depicts an encampment erected by Palestinian activists in January 2013 to protest the construction of more Israeli housing in the West Bank. More
Published: 01 November 2018
In order to be a Jewish state, Israel must embody Jewish values. Creative Commons More
Journal Article
Tikkun (2015) 30 (4): 25.
Published: 01 November 2015
... is certainly one way of achieving this. Another is the approach Tikkun is advocating: challenging the notion that security is achievable through the domination of the Palestinian nation and replacing this with a strategy of generosity toward the other. To end the conflict, all parties must recognize...
Journal Article
Tikkun (2006) 21 (6): 16.
Published: 01 December 2006
Journal Article
Tikkun (2003) 18 (5): 38–39.
Published: 01 October 2003
Journal Article
Tikkun (2009) 24 (4): 41–42.
Published: 01 November 2009
...Allen D. Kanner Copyright © Tikkun magazine 2009 T he Piracy o f Privacy: Why Marketers Must Bare Our Souls by Allen D. Kanner h e n T h e P o l i c e s a n g t h e i r f a m o u s l i n e s , “Every breath you take, every move...
Journal Article
Tikkun (2017) 32 (3): 27–28.
Published: 01 August 2017
... a reawakening and renaissance among Muslims. More and more they are looking critically at how their tradition can and must be recontextualized on the basis of moral values that have always been present even when they have sometimes been obscured by narrow-mindedness and political circumstances. Islam...
Published: 01 January 2012
RJOY (Eleanor Cooney) For the restorative justice movement to grow strong, it must recall its past, like the Sankofa bird. More
Published: 01 November 2014
Chris Johnston/Eureka Street ( eurekastreet.com.au ) Building ramps is important, but congregations must also examine their theologies and metaphors to make sure they are not hostile to people with disabilities. Accessible Churches by Chris Johnston. More
Published: 01 April 2013
Mondragón Corporation The Mondragón Cooperatives trace their roots back to Father Jose Maria Arizmendi, a visionary Catholic priest who founded a local polytechnic school. “In order to democratize the power, we must socialize the knowledge,” he said. More
Published: 01 April 2011
The oppressive ancient Egyptian regime in which Jews lived as slaves was overthrown. The Passover story reminds us that in every age we must continue the struggle for liberation, which Jews first experienced on the first Passover some 3,200 years ago. More
Published: 01 January 2014
Laura Beckman ( laurabeckman.com ) Samar Odeh, the terrorist’s brother, “spoke of how his younger sibling would sit before the television for hours upon end, watching the news, watching Palestinians being beaten . . . of how he must have snapped,” the author writes. More
Published: 01 November 2014
. We must come together in support and tear them down!” More
Journal Article
Tikkun (2017) 32 (2): 57–58.
Published: 01 April 2017
... equivalency of occupier and occupied, it must be stated that this stasis is the result of a strategy of many decades on the part of the Israeli government to deprive the Palestinians in the territories of the resources for economic sustainability or the room for civic institutions. The security apparatus...