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Published: 01 January 2011
To bring Gandhi into the modern age (given homage here in an internet café in Varanasi, India), we need to learn a rigorous practice of empathic listening and nonviolence so we can navigate conflict and differences creatively. More
Journal Article
Tikkun (2004) 19 (2): 24.
Published: 01 April 2004
Journal Article
Tikkun (2000) 15 (1): 30–31.
Published: 01 January 2000
Journal Article
Tikkun (2015) 30 (3): 13–14.
Published: 01 August 2015
... and organizing had gone on for months, FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler announced sweeping new protections for a free and open internet. Called Title II reclassification, the new rules label the web as a public utility that must operate on a level playing field. “This is a big deal,” Renderos adds. Renderos...
Journal Article
Tikkun (2009) 24 (1): 66–67.
Published: 01 January 2009
... a irector D olicy P is tt co S en B edia. m n o books dozen a over ten enriching and media, in priorities civic and commercial rebalancing us, confront that decisions cial as censorship. Internet, without culture high-speed media universal, affordable, democratic...
Published: 01 August 2015
Argus Streaming News ( argusnewsnow.com ) Ferguson residents’ ability to create internet-based media played a major role in persuading mainstream media to cover the story of Mike Brown. Popularized under the striking logo below, KARG Argus Radio’s live stream from Ferguson was viewed more than More
Journal Article
Tikkun (2011) 26 (1): 48.
Published: 01 January 2011
...To bring Gandhi into the modern age (given homage here in an internet café in Varanasi, India), we need to learn a rigorous practice of empathic listening and nonviolence so we can navigate conflict and differences creatively. ...
Journal Article
Tikkun (2015) 30 (1): 49–51.
Published: 01 January 2015
... with the advent of the internet — for example, peer production such as Wikipedia, open source software, and many more. Despite centuries of ongoing losses to capitalist encroachment, it is still the case that at least two billion people on our planet depend on resources held as commons for their daily...
Journal Article
Tikkun (2010) 25 (1): 17–23.
Published: 01 January 2010
... religious groups; gay, lesbian, women were in the labor force, mostly part time. By bisexual, and transgender (GLBT) groups; internet groups; and self-help groups. However, 2008, 75 percent ofU.S. membership in self-help groups, America’s greatest social participation...
Journal Article
Tikkun (2011) 26 (3): 4–10.
Published: 01 August 2011
... on the Internet — which, as it turns out, was, at least in part, falsely attributed to Martin Luther King. In his 1963 book Strength To Love, King had written: “Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light...
Journal Article
Tikkun (2012) 27 (3): 24–64.
Published: 01 August 2012
... is that the powerfully linked consciousness of the Internet can serve as a portal to other dimensions. Many writers have experienced the sensation of having a character “come alive.” Now, with the technology and energy of the Internet behind the creation of an avatar and the focused attention of multiple consciousnesses...
Journal Article
Tikkun (2010) 25 (2): 15–19.
Published: 01 April 2010
... care, and human dignity. human care, and of meaning, a for quest community the and as a emancipation vehicle education for human of vulgarization and of commodification the manifestations surely sadder are Internet...
Journal Article
Tikkun (2018) 33 (1-2): 5–9.
Published: 01 January 2018
... technology” is a recent term for new entries that foster powerful changes in how we function, in opportunities for transcendence of older technologies, and consequent changes in how we think and relate: the Internet and the atomic bomb are obvious examples. “Disruption” is similar to Kuhn’s notion...
Journal Article
Tikkun (2008) 23 (5): 48–50.
Published: 01 October 2008
... by technological transformations such as the “co-creative” qualities of the Internet, but also by the spread of organizing. To make the case, it is useful to contrast populism with “mass politics.” Mass Politics and Beyond T h e d o m i n a n t s t r a n d o f l i b e r a l i s m i n t h e l a s t...
Journal Article
Tikkun (2017) 32 (1): 72.
Published: 01 January 2017
... decided he should spend whole days on end watching TV quiz shows, serials and adverts, he was given gratis, boundless wireless access to the internet, but his behavior did not change at all. He was bombarded with pornography, he watched doggedly, without emotion. He was brought a whore, he took...
Journal Article
Tikkun (2011) 26 (1): 40.
Published: 01 January 2011
....” Tune in to heaven, but keep feet on earth. And never forget: wonderful as is the internet—and it is wondrous—not by connectivity alone shall humankind subsist. To sustain soul, sustain soil! Another invaluable polarity for tikkunistas is the kabbalistic chesed and gevurah : kindness and severity...
Journal Article
Tikkun (2017) 32 (4): 25–32.
Published: 01 November 2017
... in the classroom itself. Students can reflect on the ways in which they rely on the internet and how that impacts intergenerational communication; examine the relationships between racial differences, levels of unemployment, prison populations, the privatization of the prison systems, and the history of racism...
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Journal Article
Tikkun (2015) 30 (4): 27.
Published: 01 November 2015
... only if native Palestinians’ rights are respected. I predicted twenty years ago that the ardent right wing in Israel would gain more power. But I also predicted the growth of human consciousness at the grassroots level thanks to the internet and better global connectedness. The push for boycott...
Journal Article
Tikkun (2011) 26 (1): 69.
Published: 01 January 2011
... of how dynamically interrelated the world is (not to be confused with the sort of connectedness the Internet affords, useful though that may be). Humans will never nail down a complete grasp of the vast and miniscule complexity involved, yet young activists will be bringing society closer in sync...
Journal Article
Tikkun (2008) 23 (4): 51–54.
Published: 01 November 2008
..., the Internet, email, cell phones, and iPods, etc.—encourages an un­ remitting connectivity that pulls us in the opposite direction. As we become attentive to so many more people and so many more possibilities always available, is less attention available for the people and things most important to us...